Thursday, June 26, 2014

World Cup right now

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I guess it's so bad at the World Cup right now that friends and family of the US aren't going to the game because it's so treacherous.
If I spent all that money on tickets, flights, took the time to get there - would be HELL TO PAY if I couldn't even see the frickin game.

Hippos are Dangerous

A hippo at the Hacienda Napoles
So Pablo Escobar smuggled 4 hippos into Colombia when he was running the place.  US shoots him on his roof (Hunting Pablo- EXCELLENT BOOK) and nobody does anything about the hippos.
Well I guess they hippo population has exploded.  They don't know how many and don't know what to do with them.
Not to say I told you so but the name of this blog is Hippos are Dangerous.  Should have listened to me....

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What is going on

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More kidnapped girls in Nigeria.  This is apparently a pop star there is who offering her virginity to the nice little radical group in exchange for the girls.
Seriously WTF.  I think we should just start judging all nations by how they treat their women.  If its a place like this, or Iraq, Iran or another Mideast shithole- see you later.
Drill in Alaska so we never have to deal with these assholes again.  Then maybe gas won't be over $4 a gallon.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Would LOVE this

For a number of reasons. 
First, parades are fun.  And he is the best basketball player on the planet.
Two, it would freak people the fuck out.  All the people that absolutely despise him would have to deal with it.  And that's always fun.
Get it done Danny!


Been listening to D & C drone on about how ESPN is giving the World Cup too much coverage, soccer is boring, they flop, etc. etc.
First off- who the fuck cares about ESPN?  The only reason in this day and age you should be watching Sportscenter is if you are on a treadmill.
Boring?  Now I'm not a fan and wont be watching the premiere league after but that was a lot of fun against Portugal.  What are they watching?  Why not just enjoy it for the summer as filler.  And if you are a baseball fan you can't say anything is boring.  You've given up that right.
And yeah flopping sucks but don't act all high and mighty when you follow the Bruins and the NBA.
Just enjoy the ride and have a good time with it ya old cranks!

Where's Steve Jobs when you need him?

So my birthday is coming up.
My parents got me a gift card to the Apple Store (ignoring the fact that they are not supposed to purchase anything for me anymore but that's another story for a different day).
They obviously meant to get me something from ITunes.  But turns out I can't use an Apple Store gift card to buy an ITunes Gift card.
No idea why- isn't it all going to the same place?
Anyways now I'm pissed.  I'll just wait and use it to buy something from there when my wife's birthday rolls around.  But pissed nonetheless.


So let me get this straight.  Woman hops the fence and sings to the lions while trying to feed them cookies.
And she gets kicked out because of the "stunts".
Anyone think maybe she needs to be evaluated for her mental health?  Like maybe there is a problem there?
Mental health is such a fucking stigma in this country and we choose to ignore it.  Especially when someone becomes unhinged and starts a shooting spree.  Then for some fucking reason we blame the NRA instead of the root of the problem.
Because if someone gets behind the wheel drunk it's the car's fault.
If we truly want to fix the problems in this country the mental health crisis is a good place to start.

Commissioner Gordon with some hot takes

Gary Oldman Blasts Liberal Hollywood, Defends
How about Gary Oldman coming in and ripping the liberal hypocrisy in Hollywood?
He must be retiring or something because he is never going to work again.
But good for him- he is 100% right.  Maher says some horrible shit and nobody cares.  Jon Stewart makes a funny face into the camera and says something and if you have the nerve to call him on it then he yells how he's not a journalist so it's ok.
Defending Gibson though?  Um....hypocrisy is one thing this guy went on a rant about Jews, blacks and screamed at his then girlfriend he left his wife for.  I think it's ok if this guy is ostracized.
Except he's not.  He's the bad guy in Expendables 3.  Role of a lifetime.

Hope Solo is a badder bad ass than Han

Hope’s nephew pulled gun on her during ‘attack’
How about this Hope Solo?  Just beating the hell out of her sister and nephew at a party.  Married Jeremy Stevens who is an utter piece of shit- the night after he beat the hell out of her.
Apparently she likes to party.
If she was only as good as stopping her bad decisions as she was at soccer balls on the net I think she'd be ok.

Best Ninja Turtle

I can't believe this is a debate to some people.
Leonardo was a shitty leader always crying to Splinter.
Raphael was a hot-head.
Donatello had a stick.
Michelangelo is the MAN. Keeps it light, has fun, loves pizza and the nunchucks rule.
By the way the new movie is going to SUCK.

Friday, June 20, 2014

This is simple

This is very simple.  Is Redskins a slur?
Yes.  Yes it is.  And if it offends Native Americans FUCKING CHANGE IT.  Jesus haven't we done enough to these people?
Who fucking cares?  Fuck Snyder and that shitty fan base.  NFL should tell him to change it or sell the team.  Pretty goddamn simple.
Oh- and the government should stay out of this.  We don't want a government telling us what is or isn't offensive.  That's not good.
Simple common sense.

Handsome Devil

So this is the face of some felon that got on national TV and girls went nuts for this guy.
I was in criminal court yesterday and the old adage is true- the bigger the dirtbag the hotter the girl is with him.  Unreal.
So don't let anyone ever tell you that the ladies don't like the bad boys.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Perrys seem fun

Five family members were arrested at Canobie Lake Park over an altercation after they were told they could not bring knives into the park:
SALEM, NH (CBS) – A family of five from Vermont are all facing charges after an altercation at Canobie Lake Park in Salem, New Hampshire.
On Monday around 1:30 p.m., police say 45-year-old Allen Perry, of Lyndon, Vermont, and his family showed up at the park wearing knives on their belts.
Citing park rules, security asked them to put the knives back in their vehicle.
That’s when, police say, several members of the Perry family became belligerent.
Two officers working a detail at the park met them at the front gate, at which point, 23-year-old Joshua Perry is accused of yelling profanities in front of hundreds guests, including a number of children.
The officers say they gave him several warnings before telling him he was being arrested.
Police say he resisted and several of the family members attacked both officers during the arrest, jumping on their backs, punching and kicking them and grabbing for their weapons.
Both officers were hurt. One ended up with bumps, bruises, cuts and scrapes, the other had a serious shoulder injury. He was treated and released at an area hospital.
Several backup officers were able to get the situation under control.
At one point, police say the mother faked a seizure. She was examined and released at the scene.
Joshua Perry was charged with riot, resisting arrest with serious injury, criminal trespass and disorderly conduct.
Allen Perry was charged with riot, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, second degree assault, and criminal trespass.
Brian Perry, 18, of Lyndonville, Vermont, was charged with riot, simple assault on a police officer and resisting arrest.
Damian Perry, 18, of Lyndonville, and Ashley Perry, 20, of Sutton, were both charged with disorderly conduct and criminal trespass.

The point of this blog is to tell you that the Turkish Twist always made me feel sick.

Not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4....

I don't hate LeBron.  Sure he's an entitled dickhead and the Decision was a disaster.  But if you were raised by his mother with no father and literally given everything to you in high school without having to do anything for it you'd be a dickhead too.
He was on the cover of SI in high school.  So there's that.
But the bottom line is that he will never be as good as MJ or Larry or even Magic.  His quote after the loss about being ok with 2 out of 4 sums it up.  Just doesn't have that drive.  The day after they won a championship Bill Walton passed out at Larry's house and in the morning asked him where he was going.  Was going jogging to start getting ready for next season.
That's why he will be one of the best ever, but never the best ever.

I'm back.

I've been busy looking for the real killers.
Back at it and ready to rock and roll.
20 years ago today huh?  Lot of repercussions even today.  The important thing to remember out of all of this is that the Knicks lost the championship that year.  Good thing.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

What a mess.

Seriously what a disaster.
Lot of questions.  Should you have given freedom to five terrible guys who are going to try and kill Americans again for one American?  I have no idea.
Then it turns out everyone hates this guy because it's alleged he deserted.  Others say he is a traitor.  Wow.
Few things- the truth is NEVER going to come out.  Powers that be won't let it happen.  Inconclusive.
And I still have liberal friends that will defend Obama blindly, like I have conservative friends who will defend the right blindly- but just looking from afar you cannot be impressed with this presidency.  I mean my God- scandal after scandal after scandal.
Fortunately the Obamas will have a break in a couple months with their tax paid vacation to Martha's Vineyard.  Hopefully they can unwind.