Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Shut up.

Look if you believe in global warming, er....global cooling, er....climate change....er, climate disruption- whatever they call it today- fine.
Good for you.  We should take steps to protect the Earth.  That's fine.  I mean it's all bullshit and the damage we can do has been lied about for certain people to make billions (hi Al Gore!) but we should take steps to curb pollution.
That being said- fuck this guy.  Flies private, takes a huge yacht down to watch the world cup.  Go fuck yourself.  Don't tell me I've got to do this and that when your carbon footprint is larger than I could ever even imagine.

Friday, September 12, 2014


Judge Mark Ciavarella Jr Sentenced
This is the face of a Penn. judge who just got sentenced to 30 years for selling kids to prisons for about 1 million bucks.
Have fun on the inside, asshole.


Not going to lie- very worried about this game.  Do not want to start 0-2.
Last weekend the Pats looked like dog shit.  There is no way that they can come out that bad again right?
I think they will win but it's going to be quite ugly.

Time to go.

How bad could you possibly bumble this Ray Rice matter?  I mean literally everything that you could have done wrong this guy did.
Have victim in room asking for leniency with attacker?  Check.
Hand out incredibly weak punishment?  Check.
Change policy when people got upset?  Check.
Lie about trying to get the video?  Check.
Lie about having the video?  Check.
Lie about seeing the video?  Check.
Lie about what Rice told you?  Check.
Just a complete clusterfuck.  Remember this is the same clown that had to have his old boss come in and fix the whole Bounty gate mess.
Time to go.  Just leave and put another idiot in your place that will do everything they can to make the owners money.
Not a good look Bobby Kraft saying that he's doing an excellent job.  Maybe take your girlfriend younger than I am to another Jay Z show or something.  Or spend to the cap.

Good night, sweet prince.

So I guess the dream is no more.
Rob Ford withdrawing for the mayoral race.
While I am sure all of Toronto is happy he will be missed by outsiders.
Now time to focus on our horrible politicians.  How long until Slick Willy becomes First Man?

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Image result for ray rice
Jesus the NFL is disgusting. I'm such a hypocrite supporting this organization. Rice knocks out his then girlfriend in an elevator, gets a high priced attorney to negotiate his get out of jail free card and the Ravens then have a press conference where they have the VICTIM apologize for her role in the incident, tweet about it, give him standing ovations and write glowing articles about him.
The NFL meets with Rice- AND HIS VICTIM AT THE SAME TIME WHO THEN ASKS FOR LENIENCY FOR HER ATTACKER- says- well it wasn't Molly or weed so 2 games because they figure the people will never see the video.
Now that TMZ released it, the NFL claims they couldn't get it. News for you- a 9 billion dollar a year organization, who next month will be selling pink gear to support women, can get whatever they want, whenever they want it. If they didn't see the video it's because they didn't want to. And they knew this was coming. They didn't just randomly admit they were wrong and change the policy two weeks ago. Scumbags.
The NFL didn't punish Rice and the Ravens didn't cut him, TMZ did. And if he was still one of the top running backs in the league he'd be playing in two weeks.

Couple other things.  Roger is a buffoon.  But he's a buffoon who makes the owners $ so of course he's not going anywhere.

Ravens are COWARDS.

Great ad

This is a clever ad done supporting Scottish independence.  Well done.

That being said.....didn't William Wallace already get this for them?

Friday, September 5, 2014

Go away.

I want to hear nothing about Gisele until the day after the football.

This is one of Tom's last chances.  No distractions.

Leave.  Go to one of your other houses for the season.  I know that's unreasonable but that is how I feel.

Thank you.

Go Pats.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


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Look, I am man enough to admit when I am wrong.  And I've bashed Jeter over the years calling him overrated and pointing out that he's not a team player as he should have moved from shortstop a decade ago.
I laughed when people said he was "classy" and asked if it was because of the nice parting gifts he gave his conquests. But he has proved me wrong and outdone himself.
I thought he couldn't get any classier than announcing his retirement a year early to get himself a farewell tour. Or the cleats with his stats on them ("team first guy"). But he has outclassed himself with having his teammates wear a patch in his honor for the rest of the season.  Got to respect that.  Oh sorry- respec2t.
Even the diehard Yankees fans reading this, sorry- my bad, even the diehard Yankees fans who had someone read this to them have to admit this is ABSURD.
When someone asked Larry Bird if they were going to wear a patch for Paul George when he got injured he laughed and said, "he's not dead."
Just another example why he's the best of all time.
A patch.  Wow.