Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What is this world coming to....

Image result for rugby songs
So I occasionally peruse Gawker and Jezebel because I like to see how the other half thinks.  Usually I just ignore it but there was an article up there that really bothered me.
Apparently a rugby team from a college was shut down because 8 members at a party sang a rugby song.
And a feminist went to the party, which she wasn't invited and usually wouldn't go, to tape it and report it.
Ok then.
First things first.  I've sang many, many, many rugby songs.  Very, very, very, very offensive language.  Can't stress that enough.
There's been girls there as well.  Most of the time.  In fact the girls rugby team was much more offensive than us and usually out drank us as well.
So here's the thing- if you were so offended- just leave.  That's all.  Say this isn't for me and go to a different party.
If you were scared because you thought that these people who had no interaction with you were going to do these things to you than that's on you.  You are an idiot.
If you lobby a complaint against the team, and they approach you in a public place, offer their hand and say they'd like to discuss the issues with you either accept or don't.  But then don't lobby another complaint saying they made you uncomfortable.  Grow up.
I weep for the youth of America.
And I'd have no issues with my daughters singing/playing rugby songs.  None.

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