Tuesday, April 26, 2016

And this is how it ends

This picture basically sums up how everyone outside of NE feels about Deflategate.

Brady will sit for 4 games.  Legacy tarnished.

Pats will go 2-2.

And after that, there is only one thing left to do....

Win the whole damn thing.

And pray for the Browns which will be Brady's first game back.


Friday, April 22, 2016

Schilling....please stay off of social media

So as expected, ESPN finally axed Curt for his trans-phobic Facebook meme/response.

And of course the morning guys at EEI held a candle light vigil and decried what is happening to the First Amendment and it's scary and blah, blah, blah.

First off, these are the guys that mocked Don Orsillo when he got fired for no reason but are up in arms about Curt.

I don't know if it's because he's a friend of the show or what but these guys just will go to bat for him no matter what.

I mean it's pretty simple.  You work for a company that leans left.  For fuck sakes it's Disney.  They told him to cut the shit on social media.  He didn't.  He got terminated.  Want to work for a company that leans right- go ahead -free to do so if they will hire you.

What am I missing here?  He's free to post whatever he wants- just everything has a consequence.  Now he played dumb (not hard for him) on EEI about it but he clearly knew what he was doing.  I would never advocate for anyone getting fired but I can't fathom why I would feel the least bit bad for him.

Also, this is a guy who hunted down twitter trolls who said vile shit about his daughter, outted them, contacted their employers and got them fired.  Had no problem with accepting praise on EEI about that.

Should the twitter trolls say that stuff?  Nope.

Were they dangerous?  Nope.  Just complete losers and Curt attacked them and made their pathetic lives more miserable.

Look- bottom line is this.  I'll always admire Curt for the bloody sock.  Amazing performance.  And at his heart I think he is a good guy that does a lot of work for charities.

But he is very, very, very, very, very, very dumb.

From 38 Studios (thanks for the extra tax bill!), to evolution, to memes, and everything else- he's just a stupid guy who could throw fast and pampered his whole life. 

Stick to baseball and charities.

Cue Clips Callahan- "freedom...."  Nothing in life is free.  Just stay the fuck off social media.  Who gives a shit?

He's up at 1 am dropping mother jokes on people.  I legit think he has a problem.  I mean, I can't imagine telling my wife, after blowing through my personal fortune (maybe) that I got fired from my lucrative job because I couldn't stop posting on Facebook/Twitter because it's my right.

So go to Fox 1, analyze baseball, continue with the charity work and cancer PSAs but maybe just keep your opinion to yourself.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

I'm offended as well...

So apparently the new thing that college kids are upset about is that Zoolander 2 was being shown and it makes fun of people and they cried and asked for their safe space and....

I have a lot to say about the status of college kids, protests and the downfall of society.  Which I will address.

But right now I am in agreement with these cry babies.

Zoolander 2 is offensive.

Movie sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks.

Obvious money grab.

The first one is so, so good.  Top 5 all time good.

This is a disgrace and shouldn't be shown to college students or anyone else ever again.

Now to my safe space...

More like the Hunky Bunch am I right?

So the Boston Marathon finished up yesterday and Marky Mark was at the finish line filming his movie Patriots' Day.

Jake Gylenthall was at Fenway throwing out the first pitch with Jeff Bauman at Fenway for his movie.

All seems...just a little off.

I guess if you are going to make the movies you have to.  But lots of people are going to make top dollar off a tragedy which again...seems off.

My hope is that Marky Mark donates a big chunk and so do the films but no bad publicity and they won't do anything is my guess.

Weird.  I have no desire to see either film and probably won't.

I'll keep my money thanks....

Friday, April 15, 2016

I'm back and I have big, big, big plans


Since nobody reads this nobody has missed me so I don't expect a welcome back.

Took my wife to dinner and she indicated she liked my writing so from time to time I will hop back on here I've decided.

The title of this post is that I have big plans.  And I do.

First plan is to acquire $300,000.00 (Plan not finalized).

Next plan is to build a moat around my house.

A real, actual, legal, self-sustaining, self-cleaning moat.

What happened to moats?  Seems like such a good idea?  Allows you control on who comes in or more importantly who stays out (teenage boys in a few years for example).

I think we can trace society's downfall to the lack of moats.  I intend to fix this.

I'm debating whether crocodiles or piranhas will be used to fill the moat but I guess I can just flip a coin.

Obviously, it won't be hippos as Hippos are Dangerous.....