Saturday, December 28, 2013

PC Baby!

Huge game tonight.  We beat UMass then we are ranked.  Going to happen.

Next weekend hockey at Fenway.  It's going to be a shitshow.  Going to be a ton of fun seeing everyone.

But it's funny- that being said I'm looking forward more to the game my son and I are going to in January.

Times have changed....

Thursday, December 26, 2013

New Years

Is the most overrated holiday there is.  Period.

It's cold.  It never lives up to expectations.  I've done the partying where you spend $100 to get in some bar- I can't even fathom that.  You couldn't pay me now to do it.  We are having two couples over with their kids.  My goal is to make it to midnight.

Looking back though it's been one hell of a year.  Maybe one of the most defining of my life.  Lot of good, some bad- lot of change.  2014 should be interesting to say the least.

And I should be all set on my goal to continue being awesome.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Detroit- hahahahaha!

They got their playoff tickets mailed today!  Hahahahahaahaahaha!  You suck.

Your players are dirty and your city sucks.

Am I saying that because it's bankrupt even though we were promised that wouldn't happen?  Nope.

It's because I got put on their no fly list back in 2007.  Sons of bitches.  One little incident and all hell breaks loose.

Look whose laughing now!  Suckers!!!!!

Shut up!

Starting to hate Jesus Shuttlesworth more than Bron Bron.

Stop talking about Boston.  Just shut up and be a douche in Miami where you belong.

You took less money to leave because you were pissed you almost got traded.  Just say that- stop with the whining. 

I'm glad your father didn't get out of jail. Or did he?  What the hell happened at the end of that movie?

Spike Lee sucks.


I'm sure this makes me soft as sand on the beach that I'm not at right now but I listened to this tribute again and it reminded me how good it was.

Never eat here

A River North sandwich shop gave its employees an unwelcome Christmas surprise on Sunday night, firing them all by email.
The 20 employees of Snarf’s Sub Shop at 600 W. Chicago Ave. received the email last night around 5 p.m. Grid obtained it this morning. It reads as follows.

1. Due to increased competition and losses, ownership has decided to consider remodeling and reconcepting the store at 600 West Chicago Ave.

2. The store is closing, effective tomorrow, December 23, 2013 for an unknown period of time for this remodeling and reconcepting.
3. All staff is terminated, effective Monday, December 23, 2013.
4. All staff may apply for unemployment, if eligible.
5. Return any keys and Company property to Will Ravert at 600 West Chicago Avenue on Monday, December 23, 2014 during normal business hours.
6. Payroll will be processed as usual this week and paid on Friday, December 27, 2013.
7. Keep an eye out for the grand opening of the new store.
8. Ownership appreciates your service and wish you well in your new endeavors.
Doug Besant
Director of Operations

Doug Besant can go fuck himself.

Seriously- #7?  Really?

Next time people tell you how bad unions are and they ruin everything, etc.- this is what happens when you don't have protection.

I hope....

American Express takes this as payment.

Come on- its 12/23....tick, tick, tick....

Great actor

Say what you will about Mr. Suggs and his love of beating his wife and pouring bleach on her and his infant, he was great in Lord of the Rings.

Fuck this guy

1). Because he was a bad guy, etc. etc.  Let's get that out of the way.

2). If we had him now the offense would be unstoppable.  Gronk's hurt again but if we had Hernandez we would be Superbowl Favorites right now.  Von "Fake a test" Miller is injured.  We are going to get the 2 seed and a bye.  The planets are aligning- but this piece of shit had to be a gangsta and now it's going to be much, much harder.

Hope he's happy with himself.


Obamacare looks fun!

Not sure what everyone's bitching about with signing up for Obamacare.  The Prez himself did it today and it went a-ok.  He's one of us!

Wait- he's not eligible because he gets his health care through the military?  Oh.

Well he obviously signed up through the website and I'm sure there wasn't a problem.  No?  Oh.

He went in person!  What a man of the people!  No to that too.  While you and I are working today he's on vacation again in Hawaii.

So he sent people paid by the taxpayers to sign up for him in person while on a taxpayer funded vacation so he can say he signed up.

Seriously.  Really?


The Force is strong in my house...

Got the kids Star Wars light sabers.  The girl won't be able to pick her up which means.....
I get it!
Looking forward to teaching the boy the ways of the Force.

Monday, December 16, 2013


Meet Devon Wills.  She is a lacrosse goalie who just got selected by a men's professional team.  Obviously it was based on merit because who the hell is she?  Not a publicity stunt.

Good for her.  Big supporter of women's sports.  Title IX gets a bad rap.  I think everyone should have to play a sport or at least do something active.

So good job Devon.  Go get em...

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I want to meet the fake Mandela Interpreter

So somebody hopped on stage and just faked sign language for hours during Mandela's funeral?

Who is this lunatic?  What happened to the real one?

I want to meet this person ASAP.

This looks....


What a career arc for Bateman.  Child star, gone, back again.

Should Doc be booed on his return tonight?

Of course he should.

Look- no problem leaving and going anywhere else.  But he had a contract, he claimed he would be part of the rebuilding process, and he forced himself out.

Now we got the pick which is fantastic.....but he can't have it both ways.

You wanted the money, the LA life and Chris Paul.  No you got it and work for the most racist owner in sports.

Thanks for the championship.  Should have been two.


Monday, December 9, 2013


And the worst part is I don't think he will ever come back as the same player.

6 surgeries in 13 months.  That's insanity.  Body gets weaker each time.

And I don't think the Pats can win the Superbowl without him.

Just terrible.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Blck Pack

Because this symbol should never be forgotten.

I'll be here soon! Or never.

I've dropped the hammer on expenses in this house.  No more trips.  Number 3 on the way which means no more flights.

And it hit me- I'll never be here, or a place like it again.  Or at least for some time.

At least for 18 years.

I mean we will go on some family trips but cant take kids to a place like this.  And it's not like we can leave them with someone.  Who is going to take 3 kids?  My in laws are cutting back on their babysitting duties and I'd never leave my kids with my parents so I guess we wait.

But you know what- paradise can wait.  I'm already here.

Woot woot!


Was a little fired up last night on Twitter about this but have been given it some reflection.

Not Thornton's greatest moment.  Probably going to be a permanent stain.  Can't bang his head against the ice like that.  And if someone else on a different team did it to a Bruin I guess I'd be all over it.  But remember, this is one of the dirtiest teams in the league and he pussed out from fighting which would have stopped this.  Also, Marchand got one of the dirtiest cheap shots I've seen.

And Thornton and him were/are buddies.  That being said I'm thinking 10 games.

And most times I think athletes are full of shit but I genuinely believed his apology afterwards.  I think he's broken up about it.

P.S. I think Pittsburgh is moving up into the top 5 worst fan bases.

Friday, December 6, 2013

What a joke

Yesterday's press conference was ABSURD.

Let me preface this by saying I don't give a shit about college football.  Could give a shit less about the Heisman or national title game, etc.

And I don't know what happened that night.  Neither do you.  And I'm not saying they should or shouldn't have proceeded with charges- I don't have access to the information.

But that press conference- with the former Seminole good ol boy prosecutor wearing his FSU colors and laughing....laughing.....and more laughing was pathetic and a joke and he should be disbarred.  I'm that serious about it.  Pull his ticket.

Even if the accuser was totally making it up- complete lie- how many future victims after seeing that pathetic display won't come forward?  Why would you- it's all a big laugh!

The prosecutor hurt victims, future victims and the legal system yesterday and now I will strongly root against FSU for all time.

Go whoever they play against next.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Not surprising

Two things that really have pretty big implications but everyone could see coming:

Ellsbury.  One, you knew he was gone.  No question.  Surprised he got that much from the Yankees?  Nope.  Boras guy and they don't care about what it takes to win.  Money's not a concern.  Two, not really upsetting.  Good player when healthy but you knew he was leaving anyways so thanks for the championships.

Obama's illegal immigrant uncle is now legal.  Did anyone not think this would happen?  His nephew is the president.  Would be the same thing if there was a Republican in office.  Wasn't going anywhere.  Also not surprising is the fact that Obama lied about meeting him.  Again- would have been same thing if it was a Republican.  Politicians lie.  All of them.

P.S. I like how the judge reasons that he is a moral and decent guy because he paid taxes "most of the time".  Ignore the DUI and his perjury on his older deportation case.

But again- not surprising.

P.S.S. Uncle Jesse's house in Beverly Hills has the huge D from Disneyland outside the property.  Thing is enormous. 


NFL Hypocricy

Well the NFL strikes again.

Suing MIA for the middle finger.

And now they determine that Mike Tomlin, who jumped out onto the field, didn't act with intent.  So $100,000 fine and maybe (doubtful) a lost draft pick.

If Bill did this there outrage and national shaming would be insane.  Absolutely incredible.

But since it's not the Pats it's ok.  Joke.

P.S. Excited the Pats are going to go to the Superbowl.

United Airlines Sucks

First things first.

I saw so many previews for the Wolverine on a loop it's burned into my skull.

Pay for TV?  This day and age?  No and no.

And then they had some show Enlisted on a loop.  Whoever made this piece of crap deserves to go to hell.  And I didn't even hear it with the volume.

And you can't board early with kids?  Really?  Because that's smart.  Now obviously I'm biased but it holds up the line with all the people trying to get their crap all folded up at the jetway.

But I enjoyed the snarky attitude of the board agents.  Unreal.  When did we accept being treated like crap as a society.

But fortunately I'm not flying again for quite some time so f them all....


Really enough.

Between the car commercials and the news casts enough.

I'm a huge Anchorman fan and there's an argument to be made it's one of the top comedies of all time.  But the second one is going to blow.  There is no way it can live up to the first one.  I have a feeling that I am going to be very disappointed.

Plus, the Will Ferrell movie that needs a sequel is clearly Old School.