Thursday, January 30, 2014

Criminal mastermind

If this isn't the face of a criminal mastermind, I don't know what is.

Throw him in jail.

Revoke his Superbowl wins and give them to the Pats.

Two parades.  Next week.  Suhweet.

I thought this was a joke.....

‘U’ Students Want Crime Alerts To Avoid Using Racial Descriptions

(credit: CBS)

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – School officials at the University of Minnesota are working with black student and facility organizations after they wrote a letter to the school’s president about the racial descriptions given in crime alerts.
The letter, sent on Dec. 6, 2013, was issued by members of the African American and African Studies, Black Faculty and Staff Association, Black Graduate and Professional Student Association, Black Men’s Forum, Black Student Union and Huntley House for African American Males.
It was directed to University President Eric Kaler and Pamela Wheelock, the vice president of University Services.
Students and staff mailed the letter more than a month after the campus went on lockdown because of an attempted robbery at Anderson Hall on Nov. 11, 2013. University of Minnesota Police wrongfully identified a student as the suspect.
On Tuesday, school officials reported there have been 25 robberies in and around the University, an increase of 27 percent over the last few years.
The organizations wrote that while campus safety is crucial, the profiling can be devastating for black male students.
“[We] unanimously agree that campus safety should be of the UMPD’s utmost importance; however, efforts to reduce crime should never be at the expense of our Black men, or any specific group of people likely to be targeted. In addition to causing Black men to feel unsafe and distrusted, racial profiling is proven to inflict negative psychological effects on its victims.”
At Wednesday’s forum, Ian Taylor Jr., president of the Black Men’s Forum, said members of his organization feel threatened when the use of a racial description is given in the crime alerts.
“The repeated black, black, black suspect,” Taylor said. “And what that does it really discomforts the mental and physical comfort for students on campus because they feel like suspicions begin to increase.”
The letter then gave 12 recommendations to UMPD Chief Gregory Hestness on how to improve their response.
The recommendations include requiring officers to attend diversity training, and attach a link on crime alerts to the U’s no-tolerance policy on racial profiling.
On Jan. 27, 2014, a formal letter was issued by Wheelock.
“I am concerned that members of your organizations and others in the University community believe there to be an increase in racial profiling,” Wheelock said. “As I stated earlier profiling will not be tolerated on campus. If there is a concern or complaint about University police practices, both Chief Hestness and I are committed to investigating the matter promptly and thoroughly.”
She did disagree with the organizations when it comes to excluding racial descriptions in the alerts.
“I firmly believe that a well-informed community is an asset to public safety…I believe that sharing more information in our Crime Alerts, not less, is most beneficial in terms of public safety, especially when that information is available.
The information we share can include a complete description of suspects, unique identifying characteristics such as an accent or a distinctive piece of clothing, or the description of vehicles involved.
We have reviewed what other Big Ten Universities and local colleges and universities include, and our practice of including the race of a suspect when it is available from a victim’s description is consistent with their practices.”

Focus on Batman

Ben Affleck: 'Big Republican' actors are hard to watch

The big dummy on the right says he can't watch a Republican actor because he is too biased against them.

Shut...the hell...up.  I don't care what your politics are- just act or direct.  Focus on Batman.  Don't fuck up the role.  If you are too biased and stupid to watch a movie and not worry about what the actor's politics are you don't deserve to watch it.

Idiot.  Nobody cares what your opinions are.  Nobody.  Just yourself.

Same goes for actors on the right.  Keep your mouth shut Clint.  Invictus was miserable- give me my time and money back.

And next to Gigli is probably our next President which is terrifying.

Worry about that.

South Station no more....

This is South Station.  I'm there about three days a week.

They are changing the name to the Governor Dukakis station or some such bullshit.

So, how much is the tax going to be each day that I am there?

Got a feeling this is going to get expensive.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Kick his ass out

Congressman Grimm threatened to throw this reporter off the balcony after he was asked a question he didn't like about his scandal.

Didn't apologize.  Instead blamed the reporter.

He is a Republican.

Here's the difference between me and the left.

KICK HIS ASS OUT. Now.  He's not fit.

If it was a Democrat- the left would be ALL over this reporter.  The double standard is what kills me- not the politics.

Like yesterday I had someone on the far, far left tell me that when Obama lied about keeping your insurance he "underestimated."

And it's Bush's fault.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

No interest

None.  I have absolutely no interest in this game whatsoever.

Hate the Broncos, hate the Seahawks.

The last five years the commercials have been terrible.

Who the fuck is Bruno Mars?

I did some squares at work for fun but other than that I could literally care less about this game.

Cancel it.

Prediction- Broncos 31- Seattle 24

No More

Arguing with anyone on the far left via in person, facebook or whatever.

It's always the same and it's jut to the point where it's tired.

Monday, January 27, 2014



Blah blah blah!

Man did the Rumble suck.  Batista?  Really?  He's back five minutes and gets the top spot at WrestleMania?

Bryan loses and isn't in the Rumble?  Instead we get JBL for ten seconds?  And Kevin Nash?

Awful, awful, awful.

The only way they redeem themselves is if Bryan goes OFF.  Challenges the Undertaker and his streak at Wrestlemania is broken.

Reigns breaks away from the Shield and DESTROYS people.

The Wyatt family becomes the new Shield.

Batista leaves and films Guardians of the Galaxy and never ever comes back.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sneaky compliment that's not....

(I'm not either one of these people.  I look more like the person on the left than the right though).

So I've lost about fifteen pounds.  Which is good because I'm more cut and feel healthier.  However, I am much, much weaker at the gym and that's frustrating.  And I still don't look like this dude.

But it's gotten to the point it's noticeable.  And people have said- have you lost weight?  you look so much better!

Which is nice.  But how did I look before?  What are they trying to say?

That you weighed too much. Duh.

Is it May 2015 yet?

I'm not going to lie.  I'm already excited for this.  It will be the one time that I see a movie on the day it opens up.  Probably be there at midnight.

But deep down in places I don't like to talk about I know a truth....

It's not going to be that good.  I don't think it will be anywhere near the disaster of the first 3 episodes.  Can't imagine JJ throwing in a Jar Jar Binks character.

But it won't be as good as 4-6.  It can't be.  Got to think Lucas just hit lightning in a bottle and had good timing.

Too many expectations.  Bringing back the old cast.  Just a recipe for disaster.

But I'll be there....

Monday, January 20, 2014

Sad face....

Another year, another crushing playoff defeat.

Two things- we would have gotten smoked in the Superbowl.  And I can't handle three superbowl losses in a row.  So- better now I guess?

But the thing that sucks is the Pats honks are going to point to the fact that they were in the championship game again and things shouldn't change.

They lost Welker over nickels.  They have millions of dollars in cap room.  Brady's #1 was Austin Collie.  Austin fucking Collie!

Unacceptable.  Just gross.  And it will be the same.  Those blue shirts don't buy themselves!  Got to look good in the high chair!

And now I don't know who to root for.  Manning?  Gross.  PED Pete and Sherman?  Gross.

Time to focus on the Bs and get ready for the Red Sox.