Monday, January 20, 2014


This is Harvey Weinstein.  He makes movies.  Violent movies.  Very violent movies.

He used his clout to argue against Roman Polanski being extradited.  Child rape is ok apparently.  But guns.....

No!  No!  No!

Harvey's making a movie that will "bring down the NRA".  So fair and balanced.  Which is fine.  Everyone is entitled to opinions.  I'm sure he wants his bodyguards to have guns- but not you or I.  And if he wants to fight against them- well go nuts.

Harvey's made $150 million dollars of his violent movies.  Due to his change in heart he's none of it.

So.....guns for bodyguards for him- ok.   NRA- no!.   Child rape- ok because the guy is good at making movies.  

Making money off gun violence.....priceless.

Typical Hollywood hypocrite.

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