Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Germany is odd....

Bernie Ecclestone Uses $100 Million Bribe To Avoid Jail For Bribery
This handsome fella is Bernie Ecllestone.  He was a big F1 racing honcho.  You wouldn't know it in the states but F1 is massive worldwide.
Bernie has bucks.
Bernie likes to bribe German businessmen as well.  One such is doing 8 years in the pen for it. So in the middle of his trial, when things weren't looking good Bernie decided he has other places to be and pulled out his checkbook.
And one hundred million dollars later the trial is over and he is free.
Law in Germany allows you to pay to end it.  Holy schnitzerstrudel.  That is something else.
And here I am worrying about paying for my daughter's daycare.  I zigged somewhere in life when I should have zagged.

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