Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Image result for tony bosch
I just finished Blood Sport about the Biogenesis mess and 10 people got nabbed today.
Now should they throw the book at this fake doctor?  Yes, yes and fuck yes.  Because he provided A-Rod, Braun, Nelson and others with PEDs?  Nope.
See here's the thing.  They are adults.  They made a decision.  And financially, it was incredibly lucrative.  Millions upon millions were made-even after the suspensions and lawyers.
This POS should go away for selling to high school kids.  And the coaches and the parents.  You are an adult and want to make a decision that's fine- but kids?  Go fuck yourself.
And Selig.  Good lord- what a horrendous commissioner.  The sad part is history is going to remember his crackdown on the steroid issue, which he ignored for so long, forget about the collusion and remember him as a good commissioner.

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