Thursday, October 10, 2013

100% spot on

This "protest" against WBGH because Koch is on the board is 100% liberal elitism.  Defines it perfectly.

Let me get this right.  Koch gives 18 million to WBGH.  Let me say that again 18 fucking million.

And liberals say that is irrelevant- the fact that he doesn't believe in their political agenda- has a different opinion- he's "evil" and needs to be kicked off the board.

Their big issue is that he doesn't believe in global warming....sorry, climate change- the world's not getting warmer so they had to change the name....and so he's evil and has to be off the board.  Also should be noted he has donated to NOVA- the science show which SUPPORTS GLOBAL WARMING.

So- according to a liberal elite- if you don't believe them you are wrong and evil, even if you have given more money then all of them will see in a lifetime, including to something he doesn't believe in.

100% spot on.

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