Monday, April 21, 2014

Airport security is....

So a 16 year old hopped on the wheel well of an airplane and hitched a ride from California to Hawaii.   Idiot survived.  Good for him.
Now....what the hell does this say about airport security?  Seriously?  This is where we are at.
Thanks for the invasive pat downs and making sure I don't take my hair gel with me on a flight TSA.  Doing a bang up job!
This is actually a terrifying story if you think about it.


I like Doug but this move is complete bullshit.  Someone trained for months and can't get a number and he just decides that he wants to do it.
I hate, hate, hate when celebrities pull this shit.

Boston Strong

It drove me nuts last year during the Red Sox and Bruins’ playoff runs when people would use #BostonStrong to cheer the teams on because that’s not what #BostonStrong means.

So what is #BostonStrong? To me it represents a city under attack and instead of fleeing the first responders and spectators ran into the danger to see if they could help. It’s about runners who just finished 26.2 miles run...ning for over two more miles to Mass General to see if they could donate blood. It’s about the city opening up their homes to the displaced runners – people from around the world who were lost, confused, scared and didn’t speak English. But it’s even more than that. It’s about the people along the marathon route that let spectators come into their homes to try and find out information about what was happening because they were cheering a runner on who may have been near the finish line when the bombs exploded.

It’s about unspeakable terror and heartbreak….and how the world – not just Boston - responded to it. It’s about the entire city shutting down with the world watching because these cowards will be caught no matter what it takes. It’s about police officers from Chicago and New York offering to come and help make meals for the Boston and Watertown Police Departments during the manhunt. It’s about the police officer bringing two gallons of milk to a family in Watertown that couldn’t leave their house because of the lock down order. It’s about the people lining up and cheering for the police officers after they caught this monster because Boston knows how to throw parades for its heroes.

It’s about stadiums all across the country breaking out into “Sweet Caroline.” It’s about athletes putting the victims’ names on their athletic equipment as a sign of tribute. It’s about the sign at the London Marathon one week later that said: “Run if you can, walk if you must, but finish for Boston.” It’s about Rene Rancourt stopping and letting the crowd sing the National Anthem at the B’s game because it’s important to remember that these words have meaning. It’s about David Ortiz letting everyone know that this is our city.

It’s about meeting a die-hard group of puck-heads from Toronto during a brutal Bs/Leafs series after the bombing and the first thing they ask you about is Boston and if you were ok. It’s about meeting a victim at a benefit and not being able to find the words so she gave you a BostonStrong bracelet that “will keep you safe.” And it’s about putting that bracelet on your father’s wrist before he goes into emergency surgery and telling him to give it back to you when he gets out because you know the surgeon is wrong and it’s not time to say goodbye yet. It’s about wearing that bracelet today with pride because your father was able to give it back to you.

#BostonStrong isn’t about a sporting event. Except for one….

I’ve had the privilege of running in the Boston Marathon and I’ve said in the past that it’s the world’s greatest race but Monday it takes on a brand new meaning because the entire world will be watching. The cowards wanted to make the finish line a place of terror. A place you wouldn’t want to be near. Instead you will run directly towards it. Every step, sweat, tear, clap, water handed to the runners and cheers made by the spectators show those in the world that tried to harm us….they failed. And they always will.

#BostonStrong is about Martin Richard, Lu Lingzi, Krystle Campbell, Sean Collier and the over 260 injured. It’s a way of saying we will never forget those who were lost or hurt and we will honor them. They will never stop us from doing that, no matter what they try to do.

Monday is Patriot’s Day. It’s no longer a Massachusetts holiday. It belongs to everyone. Because no matter where you are, what team you root for, or what city you live in…..we are all #BostonStrong.

That is what #BostonStrong means to me.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

One backpack....

So someone left a backpack at the finish line yesterday and they had to shut everything down and blow it up.
Guy who did it obviously has serious problems.
Which brings me to two things I will always harp on:
1).  If you want to change things- then the focus needs to be on mental health.  It's a stigma in this country and is ignored.  You have the far left saying no guns which makes the far right say more guns and neither is the answer- you need to address mental health in this country.  That's the answer and
2).  I feel bad for this guy's family.  Put a thing on his facebook about it and seemed really sorry it happened.  Tough situation and I know where he is coming from.
Let's hope nothing happens Monday....

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Good stuff

Funny ad.  Good sports.

Begs the question I've always wondered though-  why does the Mailman get a pass?

Not a John Stockton pass (see what I did there) but just a pass on being a horrible, horrible human being.

First off- he has twins that it took him years to accept as his.  So we can add deadbeat dad to his resume of no rings.

Oh yeah and he raped a 13 year old.  Wait...what?

Yup- when he was in college a 13 year old girl had his son- NFL player Demeitrus Bell- and didn't take responsibility for him.

When he was 18 he told him he would have to make his own money.

Karl Malone - great player who never won the big one, terrible father and rapist.

P.S. That's what he gets for going to the Lakers.


Amazing day today.  1 year later.
It's great to see everyone come together and realize how strong we are and that the cowards failed.
And there is the man that said it best...this is our fucking city.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Had our first reading last night

Had my first psychic reading last night.
No, I didn't pay for it.  It was thrust on me during dinner at the Beantown Pub- the only bar where you can have a cold Sam while looking at a cold Sam (Sam Adams is buried across the street.  Get it?)
Now I get how it works.  You become adept at reading people and then put out some generalizations that the people twist and turn into their meanings.
With that being said.....
Few things surprised me.  Knowing what my wife does was something and a concern with our son was something else.  Guessing I was pissed I lost two cases was out there.
Still don't buy it though.  If you were psychic why the fuck are you eating at the Beantown on a Sunday night instead of cashing in millions?  Like what is the point of doing it if you aren't making a killing.  Don't buy it.
But now she's got my wife thinking of changing the name of Baby Z and we have to go to Ireland now.  Hits just keep on coming....

This is why social media and my kids is terrifying....

Don't Tweet Menacing Things To Airlines, Like This Girl
Holy shit.
Obviously this is just a dumb teenager.  And afterwards she compounded the problem by making excuses and then saying it was hacked and then it just got worse and worse and worse.
And this is why social media is so terrifying.  This girl is getting vilified but honestly I was that stupid when I was young and so were you.
Like what if this was one of my daughters.  Oh jeez.  Like how do you deal with this?

Thursday, April 10, 2014

No Happy Hour for you!

No happy hours allowed in Massachusetts because.....I guess they lose on tax revenue?
Anyhow...a TGI Fridays in Braintree is in big trouble because on Wednesday the server gave a cop a chocolate martini for $3 or so and Thursday the price was $7.  So basically he got served the same drink two days in a row and one day was for half price.
So....the TGIs is on probation for a year with their liquor license and the server has been reassigned/fired.
Couple questions here that should spring to mind:
1). Who gives a fuck?   Apparently the liquor board does. 
2).  Who reported this girl?  Was it the cop getting half priced drinks?  Did he drop a dime?
3). What the hell is a cop doing drinking chocolate martinis back to back weekdays?  Was he on duty?
I I need to know more.  Someone get me answers.  And a $3 chocolate martini while you are at it....

Sexual assault sex

I don't have the slightest idea what happened in the hotel room in Miami other than the fact that the alleged victim says that there was no sex.
Yet Kapernick is being charged with sexual assault?  Hmmmm?
Now maybe he drugged her and couldn't go through with it for some reason.  Maybe not.  Last thing I want is the alleged victim shamed because it hurts other victims coming forward.
Just a weird situation.
And its going to be the worst from the old, white establishment about his tattoos, etc.
P.S. Still considering sleeves....