Friday, April 4, 2014


Let's address the obvious.  If you base your belief solely on a book written thousands of years ago by authors are an idiot.
If you use those writings and focus on just the parts to fit your agenda- in this case- anti-gay marriage- you are a bigot just looking for an excuse.
Should gay people be able to marry?  Of course they should.  Why not?  I can't imagine being so concerned with other people's lives and who they want to marry.
But should you be able to hold your beliefs without consequence from your employer...absolutely.
You don't want CEOs being replaced because of their opinions- no matter how hateful they are or wrong in your view.  It's a slippery slope.  We live in a free country and people should be allowed to hold on to their beliefs- no matter how idiotic.
Not a good look for free speech, thought or tolerance.

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