Thursday, May 29, 2014

I'm coming back

This little fucker, or his brother or cousin, put me out of business for a while.
Along with the fact that this month has been loco at work.
Plan on blogging more in the future.  Got a lot to say but little time to say it...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Stairway to Heaven is a ripoff

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So some band is claiming that Led Zepplin stole the opening riff to one of the most overrated songs of all time, "Stairway to Heaven."
If they did - well screw them.  The thing that amazes me about Led is everyone overlooks what a horrible, horrible person Jimmy Paige is.  He kidnapped and held hostage a teenage girl for years.  And never a peep about it.  Nuts.
By the way- Lez Zeppelin is a great cover band that kicks serious ass.


(Boston, MA, 08/02/13) One Fund scammer Audrea Gause, 26, of Troy, New York, was arraigned Friday morning in Boston Municipal Court on a charge of larceny over $250. She pleaded not guilty to the charge and Judge Thomas Horgan set bail at $200,000 cash. Public defender John Hayes at left. Friday, August 02, 2013. (Ted Fitzgerald/Boston Herald)
Got caught trying to scam the OneFund.
2 1/2 to 3 years in prison.
Good riddance.

What we have in common

Vince took a $350 million dollar hit in one day.  Never had that happen to me before.
Now he's worth a little of $735 million.
So he's not a billionaire and neither am I.  Suh-weet.  Me and Vince.

And the #1 pick goes to....


10% chance that the Cs get the pick.
Mark it down- it's ours.


Image: Michael Jace (©
This is the dude from the Shield.  Turns out he's being investigated for shooting his wife.
It's funny- because he played a good, straight laced guy on the Shield I have a problem believing this.
Chicklis though- seems like something I could see him doing.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Cell phone + T driver =

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And now seems like a great time to raise the rates MBTA!
Good job!

Jacko's new song is....

So I guess Jacko has a new album coming out and his hologram played a song last night.  What a world.
The thing is one of the tracks is "Do you know where your children are?"
Has anyone gotten a pass more on their behavior in life than him?  Anybody?


In this state if you are so drunk you run over someone and drag them for blocks killing them.....make sure that you are here illegally.
You will get a free lawyer and a lenient judge.
12-14 years for manslaughter.  Should have been at least 25 based on the utter depravity and lack of regard for human life.
But in this state illegal alien's rights are more important than the citizens'.
What a miscarriage of justice.  Shame.

What. A. Crew.

This is Brad Pitt tossing a beer to his new neighbor, Matthew McCaugnohay or however you spell his name.
Alright, alright, alright.
You know your famous when Drew Brees is standing there too and doesn't get a mention.
Would love to walk down Bourbon Street with this crew.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

2 more....

So this sick fuck was indicted for two more murders. Knew it was coming but to hear it is chilling.
That makes three as an active more than Ray Lewis!  Way to go Aaron!

Sad Bear

Can't believe how the Bs showed up last night.
That was just pathetic.  Game 7 and they came out like it was the pre-season.
100% deserve to lose.  I'm more mad at the team than I am sad they lost.
What a waste of a season.  Just crushing.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Poor Alec

Despise Alec Baldwin.  Not because of his politics- unlike people on the left I can respect people's opinions even if I disagree with them, but because he is the biggest asshole hypocrite on the planet.
Forget the way he talks to his kid, or lives in NY but freaks out because the papparazzi, or his anti-gay slurs- just everything he does is so typical Hollywood elite it's unreal.
The best part of this story is he pulled the "do you know who I am line" and they didn't.  You know that STINGS.  I had a lawyer I worked against for a year who thought he was a big shot- saw him like a year later and pretended I couldn't remember him.  Really hurt him.  You know he is just freaking out about that.
But again- more liberal elitism- breaking the law and yelling at the police is ok for him- he shouldn't be arrested!
He's not a mere peasant like the rest of us.
Don't you know who he is!!!!

It's on!!!!

So we've come to this.  Bs-Habs Game 7.
Fired up am I, as Yoda used to say.
No doubts, no fear at all.  Bruins 10-0.
Wished we did it in six but selfishly am glad I get to see Game 7 as I missed Game 5 as I was too sick to get out of bed and was in hospital for Game 6 getting an IV.
By the way- if you take one of those things that they take your blood pressure with, and wrap it around the IV bag and squeeze it really tight, it makes the IV go quicker so you can get the hell out of there.  Just in case you needed to know.