Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Shield v. Arrow

So SHIELD ended last night, Arrow tonight.  SHIELD finale was alright.  I feel like I should like this show more than I should.  I love Joss Whedon.  Just something about it doesn't stick with me and I'm not sure.  Like I am not that excited about next season.  Will watch but not edge of my seat.  Guess we will wait and see.  Although I am interested to see what happens to Fitz.
Arrow on the other hand is beyond fantastic.  I didn't think I would like this show much to begin with.  Thought it was going to try to be another Smallville but completely went in a different direction.  And the backstory with the island interposed with the present is great storytelling.  Just a fantastic, fantastic show.
And I can watch it with my wife.  See above.

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