Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Poor Alec

Despise Alec Baldwin.  Not because of his politics- unlike people on the left I can respect people's opinions even if I disagree with them, but because he is the biggest asshole hypocrite on the planet.
Forget the way he talks to his kid, or lives in NY but freaks out because the papparazzi, or his anti-gay slurs- just everything he does is so typical Hollywood elite it's unreal.
The best part of this story is he pulled the "do you know who I am line" and they didn't.  You know that STINGS.  I had a lawyer I worked against for a year who thought he was a big shot- saw him like a year later and pretended I couldn't remember him.  Really hurt him.  You know he is just freaking out about that.
But again- more liberal elitism- breaking the law and yelling at the police is ok for him- he shouldn't be arrested!
He's not a mere peasant like the rest of us.
Don't you know who he is!!!!

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