Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Here's a surprise....

I actually like some of the stuff she's trying to do.  Student debt reform, Wall Street reform - stuff I can get behind.
I know someone from the left could never say something good about someone from the right but that's not how I roll.  Don't care where the idea comes from as long as it's good.
Because remember- Republican, Democrat, Independent, liberal, conservative - all have one thing in common.  Well two things: they don't give a shit about you and are all hypocrites.  Each and every one of them.
Like our Native American Senator here rallying against high college tuition.  Until you give back the $350,000.00 you received for teaching one freakin' class- zip it.  You live in a 5 million dollar mansion with a net worth of 14 million.
You are the 1%.
But if you got ideas to help and make a difference- go get em.  But don't insult me buy saying you are the little guy, etc.
Because you're more Indian than you are one of us.

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