Thursday, July 31, 2014


Photo: All three gone.

Adios.  Thanks for 2013 - we had a great parade/party at my office.
Thanks for 2013.  The party and parade at my office kicked ass.  What a way to recover from the Boston Bombing that Bill Maher says doesn't matter as more people die in car accidents.
Lackey- never have I gone from hating to loving an athlete so much that it really blows my mind.  With the beer and chicken I HATED him.  Remember the big line with the Dodgers trade was would they take Lackey too?
Gomes.  Good sparkplug.  Good luck.
Lester.  I hope he is coming back in a few months but I doubt it.  Too bad. 
But 2015 looks really, really, good.
P.S. Mike Carp feels like shit right now.  Nobody wants him after he demanded a trade.  HA.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

This is going to be tough....

So now we are losing both???!!!! What the hell is going on?
No excuse not to sign Lester.  None.
And Lackey- I don't think I've ever seen a Boston athlete redeem himself the amount that he has.  Nothing short of amazing.
Clay Buchholz is the ace of the staff.  Wow.

We've come a long way....

Today Obama said that Congress needs to stop hatin' all the time and have fun.
We've come a long way from ask not what this country can do for you....

I am Groot.

I have unrealistic expectations for this movie.  Like way, way, way too high.  I'm talking best Marvel movie behind the Avengers.  That high.
Going to have to find time to sneak off and see it.
By the way- I love, love, love absolutely everything about this picture.  One day I got to hang with Vin Diesel.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Don't want. Need.

There is an Indian tribe in Canada selling these shirts in response to Chief Wahoo.
Reverse Racism?  Yup.
Funny?  Hell yes.
Don't want one.   Need it.  Someone hook me up!

Ravens fans are the worst. No question.

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Never want to hear Boston fans are the worst again.
What a pathetic group of fans.  Statue for a murderer and a standing ovation for a wife beater.
And fuck off too Goddell.  Have a meeting with him and the woman he beat?  That's how you come to your two days?  What is she going to say?  And then you don't answer questions about it.  Pathetic.
Go Patriots.

Up for grabs....

Why hasn't anyone claimed the ocean floors?  Maybe they have but if not I want in.  I had a dream my family bought a boat and did just that and got super rich.
So who wants in with me?  Let's do it.  NOW!!!!

Your 2014 Red Sox

Season's over.  Last night did it.  Just sad.  Dubront can suck it.  Wants to start?  Like Gammons said go to Lowell.
And Mike Carp demanding a trade?  Mike fucking Carp???!!!!
Anyways- pretty soon this team is going to look very different.  And no playoffs this year means 3 out of the past 4 years they've missed the playoffs but with the huge caveat is the one time they did make it they won it all.
So the question is would you take 75% of the time of no October baseball if the other 25% you get a World Series parade?  Or rather be competitive every year and see what happens.
I'll take the 25% every time.  Although I was really hoping for another parade this year.  Going to have to hope the Pats can pull it out....

So, so, so a Yankees fan

Saw this guy's clip from the Today show.

I don't want to get sued so all I will say is this guy 100% represents Yankees fans and I love it.

What is going on?

Interest of full disclosure I am a big Kirk guy.  I think he saved the show and if D & C get reupped they owe it to him.  Should cut him a fat check.
On the other hand I hate Stephen A.  I don't get it.  He yells at me.  Why would I want to listen to that?
That being said- Kirk gets suspended for a week for his comments on Erin Andrews and nothing for Stephen A. promoting women should not provoke their beatings?
So, so silly.  Of course he shouldn't have called her a gutless bitch.  There is no need for that.  But he has every right to criticize her abilities at her job or lack there of.  Would anyone care if he did it to a guy?  Nope.  Huge double standard.  But Entercom lost that Fox money so heads had to roll.
Now Stephen A.  First off- he's said it a number of times so I'm surprised people are surprised by this.  Such a fake tough guy/apology not apology.  Bullshit.  I'd respect him more if he just stood up and said that's what he believed in.  The only reason he got any blowback is because Michelle Beadle called him out.
But let's not crown her Queen of the Righteous yet either.  You can't call him out and say you appreciate Floyd Mayweather.  Doesn't work that way.
So there it is.  Save Kirk, Fire Stephen A., screw Floyd Mayweather.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tony Dungy is a huge asshole

Fuck this this guy.  Hypocrite to the 10th degree.
Just say you don't like gay people.  Just say it.  Don't be a coward and rely on "it would be a distraction."
You lobbied people to take on Vick after he went to jail for heinous crimes against dogs.  Something I hope he goes to hell for.  And that wasn't a distraction?
Your overrated and the fact the media kisses your ass is pathetic.


Ran into mine at the beach yesterday as I was leaving with my family and she was coming in with hers.
Seemed happy.  I'm very happy.
All's well that ends well.

Friday, July 18, 2014


Reading this book now.  Really good.  About leveraged by outs in the 80s on Wall Street.
The thing that is shocking is the money.  And we are talking 30 years ago.  Lunacy.
Makes me feel like a piece of shit about what I don't have.  Our hot water heater shit the bed the other day and it turned out it was only the starter.  Huge news- like I was thrilled that we didnt have to but a new one.
And these assholes are getting 50 million dollar commissions.  Fuck.

Two Peas in a Pod

The short one on the right failed the bar twice.  And is our governor.
And wants to help the humanitarian crisis or whatever it is called now by housing for four months a number of children, young adults, immigrants, illegals, undocumented, whatever they are being called.
Very, very torn.  First off if they are kids I feel they need to be helped.  But a lot aren't. 
Second, we can't even take care of the kids in this state that need help.  DCF is a disaster.  Let's focus on that first.
Third, don't give me the bullshit that my taxes wont go to fund this.  Just don't- we all know that it will.
And someone needs to fix this immigration crisis we are facing ASAP.  Doesn't anyone give a shit about the people that are trying to immigrate here legally?  They should be punished because people chose to break the law and be rewarded?
Elect me Overlord and I'll fix it ASAP.