Friday, September 27, 2013

The answer to the government shutdown....

Is Mr. Taffer.

We are heading to another shut down.  More money directly out of my pocket.  And I know, I know this is all Bush's fault, Obama does no wrong, every Republican is evil, it's good that you are making less money now because taxes and we don't need military defense because everyone loves us....I have friends on the left and know their MO.  Watch out- the global warming is falling!

But you bring in Taffer to fix the mess....doesn't matter if you are the leftiest of lefts or far on the right.  This guy comes in- sits Congress down and says shut it down!  Brings his team in and four days later the government is up and running again better than ever.

In Taffer we trust.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mental Health

These are some of the messages the Navy Yard shooter inscribed on his gun.  My ELF weapon, better off this way, end the torment, Not What Y'all Say.

If you don't believe that these shootings are caused by lack of care for mental health issues I don't know what to tell you- it's right there.

Banning guns is never going to work no matter what your viewpoint is.  The NRA will never allow it and the Constitution is never going to be amended.

What we can do is focus on problems and getting the help they need.  That is the solution to this problem.

Or we can just say no guns.  And all the criminals will agree to that and not use guns.  And then maybe bring in a knife or a bomb, etc.

We need to get to the root of the problem and it's mental health.  Strongly believe in that.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I actually feel bad for this douchebag....

Let's go through the reasons to hate Matt Leinart:

1. He went to USC.
2. He looks like that.
3. He partied his ass off so you shouldn't feel bad for him.
4. He didn't do any work in the NFL and I think is out of the league now.

But I actually feel bad for him.  He's got a kid with the Terminatrix Brynn Cameron and pays her $15,000.00 in child support a month.  Where the hell does he get the money?  That's got to be all gone by now right?

And now she's got Blake Griffin's baby.  You know the brothers are going to like him more than poor Matty boy ($$$$$).  Blakes going to be paying millions and Matt's going to be unemployed.  Going over for visits is going to be rough.

Oh well.  Poor Matty....

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Feel horrible for the mall victims in Kenya.  Sick of terrorism.

If someone with a gun asks if you are Muslim answer carefully.

Enough is enough.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Short and sweet

If you are going to shoot up a place like a coward, man up and put the gun on yourself first.  For once in your miserable life do something noble.

Sick of this shit.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Thanks but we will parent our kid....

If you choose to step out in front of my wife and I and institute your brand of "tough" parenting...well you are the above photo.  Get it?  A prick!

I think people that feel the need to parent other people's kids fall into two categories:

                                                     FUCKING PSYCHO

                                                     FUCKING ASSHOLE

Now don't get me wrong.  I'm not talking about a situation where either we aren't there or your kid is involved or you have to or something.  I get that.  Like when the neighbors' kids come over and they playing got a little rough and friends in the other room I would say something like we need to calm it down- to both sets of kids.  And that's fine.

But when you just step in because you feel that you are the authority and that you have to say something even though one of us is right there: FUCKING ASSHOLE.  You just think you are the best ever and need to say something.  Go fuck yourself.

Now the other category is harder to deal with.  Those are the parents who believe that their kids are 1) the best ever; 2) do nothing wrong ever; 3) you are the best parents ever; 4) it's your duty to parent for other people because of number 3.   Those are the worst kind of parents.  The worst.

So all in all.....just mind your business.  Take care of your own kids.  Thanks.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Some fucking people....

I don't get upset about work.  Someone told me a long time ago that you work to live you don't live to work.  And I'm going to be doing this for at least another fifty years.  So if I win a case or something...great.  If I lose...move on.  I realize I will make many mistakes along the way but I try to deal with them and learn.

And I got a ton on my plate right now.  I'm essentially doing the work for three attorneys.  Not complaining just stating a fact. 

So when someone is so fucking rude that I almost have to rip your head off you really have done something.

I've listened for days to your loud, obnoxious, ignorant racist rants about your phone being stolen when you probably just left it somewhere.  Days.  Every day.  I know that the powers that be bought you a new one and you got your pics and photos back and still I have to listen.

So if I have a call on speaker because I am doing something else....fucking deal with it.  I don't care if you can hear it.  The fucking gall on someone to get up and shut my door.  Go fuck yourself- I earned this door.  I'll sit in here and fucking scream at the top of my lungs with the door wide open if I want to you fucking fuckity fuck.

Jesus Christ.  Too much stress.  I'm getting upset about a fucking door.  Absurd.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The media today sucks

So I'm reading about Thurgood Marshall and I'm ashamed that I don't know more about this American hero.  So far the book is riveting.

One story that has stood out to me is that when he was running the NAACP in Harlem he received a request to represent a young black man who was sentenced to 10 years for stealing a bag of peanuts.  Of course people thought this was an inappropriate sentence and wanted him to go down and appeal the verdict.  But instead of hopping on the news and declaring everyone racist as "activists" would do today, he looked at the facts and realized that it was just a little bag of peanuts it was an industrial sized bag he stole.  On a truck.  Which he also stole.  So Justice Marshall did not represent the man.

Imagine if this happened today.  Sharpton and Jackson would be on MSNBC declaring the system was racist and organizing marches.  MSNBC would provide around the clock coverage.  Fox would decry it and then add their own bullshit agenda.  Maybe even the President would come on national TV if he wasn't golfing or on vacation and call me a racist.

So this American hero, who experienced true racism and horrible hate that nobody should have to suffer through, was able to look at the facts and make an informed decision.  Much better than most of the people today with their propaganda and agendas.

Time to use some common sense people and look at the facts.  Listening to rap music doesn't make you a criminal.  Listening to country doesn't make you a racist.

Common sense.  Need more of it.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Few thoughts

I have a feeling this is going to be a long year.  I don't think that this was a case of the Bills being fired up and first week, etc.

The receivers were running the wrong routes.  Brady has no patience for that.  And goddman Ridley shouldn't see the field again.

Ugly, ugly game.

And what's the deal with Spikes going out after a little bit with dehydration?

A lot depends on Gronk coming back healthy and Amendola staying on the field.  Lot of questions.

I know it's only week 1 but so far I'm not too optimistic....

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Blame Bush

I am going to start blaming him for everything.  Seems to work.

I heard Carville blaming this whole Syria mess on him.  And I respect Carville.  I disagree with him vehemently but I think he's a smart guy with well thought out opinions.  I know that's very confusing to some liberal elites- how can you respect someone's opinion who is different than yours?  You are supposed to talk down to them!

But really- everyone needs to move on.  I mean we are almost at the end of Obama's presidency.  I think he's got to start taking some responsibility for this.  If Romney was elected (scary thought) do you think people would still be blaming Bush?  Policies and political views aside- time to move on and deal with the problems we have.

But if not I will just start blaming things in my life on him.  Didn't do the dishes?  W's fault.  Kid crying- W's fault.'s W's fault!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I thought everyone loved flowers

Except these of course.  Hope the thorns didn't hurt too bad.

Had someone return flowers today.  Never even heard of such a thing.  In a way I am impressed by the dedication to the pure level of hatred to not accept them even in their weak condition.  Just strong hate right there.

And if nobody claims them I am bringing them home for my wife.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Take this down!

I like Jonathan Kraft's comment that the Patriots would not put up the Joe Flacco banner like they did in Denver even if the NFL would find them "a million dollars".

Now I don't believe that for one second but it's a nice sentiment.

But since we are on the issues of terrible, terrible banners this has to be the absolute worst of the worst.

The 16-0 perfect "regular" season banner has to come down.  Every time I see it I get sick.  Just a disgrace.

Football's back!