Thursday, September 5, 2013

Blame Bush

I am going to start blaming him for everything.  Seems to work.

I heard Carville blaming this whole Syria mess on him.  And I respect Carville.  I disagree with him vehemently but I think he's a smart guy with well thought out opinions.  I know that's very confusing to some liberal elites- how can you respect someone's opinion who is different than yours?  You are supposed to talk down to them!

But really- everyone needs to move on.  I mean we are almost at the end of Obama's presidency.  I think he's got to start taking some responsibility for this.  If Romney was elected (scary thought) do you think people would still be blaming Bush?  Policies and political views aside- time to move on and deal with the problems we have.

But if not I will just start blaming things in my life on him.  Didn't do the dishes?  W's fault.  Kid crying- W's fault.'s W's fault!

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