Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The media today sucks

So I'm reading about Thurgood Marshall and I'm ashamed that I don't know more about this American hero.  So far the book is riveting.

One story that has stood out to me is that when he was running the NAACP in Harlem he received a request to represent a young black man who was sentenced to 10 years for stealing a bag of peanuts.  Of course people thought this was an inappropriate sentence and wanted him to go down and appeal the verdict.  But instead of hopping on the news and declaring everyone racist as "activists" would do today, he looked at the facts and realized that it was just a little bag of peanuts it was an industrial sized bag he stole.  On a truck.  Which he also stole.  So Justice Marshall did not represent the man.

Imagine if this happened today.  Sharpton and Jackson would be on MSNBC declaring the system was racist and organizing marches.  MSNBC would provide around the clock coverage.  Fox would decry it and then add their own bullshit agenda.  Maybe even the President would come on national TV if he wasn't golfing or on vacation and call me a racist.

So this American hero, who experienced true racism and horrible hate that nobody should have to suffer through, was able to look at the facts and make an informed decision.  Much better than most of the people today with their propaganda and agendas.

Time to use some common sense people and look at the facts.  Listening to rap music doesn't make you a criminal.  Listening to country doesn't make you a racist.

Common sense.  Need more of it.

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