Friday, February 28, 2014

The Catholic Action League missed the mark.....

So Mayor Walsh has put his money where his mouth is and said he will not participate in the parade if gays aren't allowed to march.  Much bolder stance than his predecessor Mumbles who went every year but received universal praise for writing a letter to a chicken shack saying they weren't welcome.
Here is the CALs reasoning:
“Saint Patrick was a Catholic archbishop and is a Catholic saint,” Doyle said in a statement Thursday. “How do you honor a Catholic saint by providing a platform to those who express pride in rejecting Catholic morality? And who castigate that morality as bigotry, hatred and homophobia?”
The League is an independent Catholic organization and operates separately from the Archdiocese of Boston. A spokesman for the archdiocese could not be reached for comment Thursday night.
In its statement, the Action League called Mayor Martin J. Walsh’s intervention “an attempt to impose a radically discordant message, entirely inappropriate to the celebration of Boston’s principal patron saint.”
“The feast of Saint Patrick commemorates the bishop and confessor through whom an entire people, in one lifetime, were converted from paganism to the Catholic and Apostolic Faith,” the League said. “Mayor Walsh’s efforts, if successful, would destroy the traditional character of the parade, empty it of its original meaning, and reduce it to a secular community festival, devoid of any religious significance.”
"Secular community festival, devoid of any religious significance?"  Seriously?  Shut the fuck up.  It's a morning where everyone in Southie gets hammered.  That's it.
I mean we are talking about walking down the street, right?  So if you let someone walk down the street you are saying you agree with their life choices?  Is that seriously your position?  Are you afraid that they will make the children gay ala Putin?
Seriously take your bigotry somewhere else.  It's a day where the crooked politicians go to breakfast and make horrible jokes and young people get fucked up. 
I have no idea why anyone gay/straight would want to march in it but everyone should have the right.  And if you don't like their float/sign or whatever then don't like it.  What the hell is the problem?
And yeah I know they took this action all the way to the Supreme Court and will rest their laurels on that ruling but.....there is a difference between morally right and legally right.
Maybe the CAL should get off their high platform and do the right thing.

The opposite of my family.....

Since I'm home now in the mornings I've realized that my family DESPISES waking up in the morning.
Me?  I never really had an issue with it.  I genuinely enjoy getting up and working out- getting the blood flowing.
My kids- not so much.
My wife- NO.
But hey- I get to sing my Masters of the Universe song every morning and that's fun!  Yay me....


Right now this is looking to be a disaster.  They have a lot of work to do.
The only way they can save the main event is to insert someone else.  It should have been Bryan but now it's going to be him v. HHH.  And it's not like they will have him wrestle twice with stipulation being if he beats HHH he is in because everyone will know he will win.  And I got a feeling HHH beats him clean which will SUCK.
Batista is a mess.  Doesn't have the cardio and wasn't that good to begin with.  Fans HATE him.  And they can't turn him because Guardians is coming out and he has to be a face.  So Orton is the heel?  Ugh.  Make nice with CM Punk or bring back Jericho. catapult Roman Reigns.  Right now.  He goes on a tear- somehow gets his way in and wins the title.  Then you can put the remaining Shield/Wyatt family against each other.
Cena/Wyatt can work well if Cena gives him the rub- which I think he will.
Book this as Undertaker's last match.  Build it up and then have Brock beat him with Heyman's interference.
Hopefully the New Age Outlaws go away.  And Goldust/Rhodes get back in the mix.
Lot, lot, lot of work to do before now and then.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

I am TALOS man....

So the Ironman suit is becoming a real thing.

Obviously they are going to need me for the job.

I am TALOS man!

Incognito doesn't like Ferrari's he owns

Guys like this meathead were my worst fucking nightmare in high school.
Fuck him.  You are a bully and a racist and nobody likes you.
So you go and smash your Ferrari?  Idiot.
Sad part is he will be playing next year, Martin will not.  Rice will be taking handoffs and Sam will be lucky to be on the practice squad.


Lot of talk about the so-called anti-gay bill in Arizona.
Weird situation since I can see both sides of the argument.  Cue the left- oh my god you are full of hate, bigotry, etc.  Ok- are we done now?  Here goes:
First off- nobody should discriminate against anyone.  White, black, straight, gay, who the fuck cares at this point?  Really- I can't believe people actually get upset if gay people want to get married.  Like you really have so little in your life that would bother you?  Grow up.
Now for the bill itself- I'm sure 99% of the people that are posting on Facebook about it, etc. haven't read it.  It doesn't say gay once.  It doesn't say you can discriminate against gays.  It says that you have a claim not to serve someone if it is against your religion.
That being said- you know that some stupid hick would use this and try to deny someone service.  And you know a couple looking for attention would try to go somewhere in hopes they are denied.  Wouldn't have been good.
But isn't bad for the owner to refuse service?  Wouldn't they be vilified?  Lose business?
I don't think you should give anyone a license to promote discrimination.  BUT....I don't think the government should be allowed to tell a business who they can and can't serve.  It's a slippery slope.  You don't want the government intruding into your life like that.
So hopefully common sense can prevail.  If someone comes in your restaurant and you don't agree with their lifestyle who cares?  Seriously.  There's nothing in the Bible about going to Hell for serving a gay couple a ham sandwich.
And if someone had a place that didn't want me there I wouldn't go.  Take your business elsewhere.
But I'll tell you this- the NFL should stay the fuck out of politics.  Threatening to move the Superbowl?  Please.  Your league employs drug users, women beaters and murderers.  Clean up your own mess first.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


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John Kerry's tweet said something about fellow Red Sox fan blah, blah, blah.
Go buy another boat, paint Newport on it and then claim you were going to pay the taxes in Massachusetts.  Fraud.
Go not mess up Batman.  Don't do it.  Don't.  Now get to work.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Things could be worse

One of these fine, upstanding gentlemen was arrested for filming beastiality.
The other was banging the cow.
Again- things can always be worse.

Who the hell celebrates their 28th birthday anyways?

Rajon Rondo
I'm probably in the minority on this as the season is a bust and they are trying to lose.
But if you are going to be a team leader, I think well, you should actually be with the team.  Doesn't matter if you are playing or not.
Do you think Bird would have done something like this?
I said the same thing two years ago when Softer than Clay Buckholz couldn't travel with the team because he was too sick but when to Foxwoods for a "charity" event.
Just be with the team.  I don't think I'm asking too much.
P.S. I know someone on the inside and the person tells me that Rondo is by far the most arrogant athlete/star to ever walk the halls of the Garden.  On the other end of that spectrum- Antoine Walker.
Poor Toine.

Cowherd the Coward.....

So the NFL is going to penalize 15 yards for saying the N word.
And this guy- who is paid millions to have an opinion- says he can't on this issue because....I guess he is white?
Until we all- white, black, yellow, orange- have an open and honest discussion on race in this country nothing is going to change.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Harold Ramis.

Funny, funny guy.

Too bad.  Thanks for all the laughs....

They're back.....

Very excited.
And look- Hogan is probably the worst in-ring performer of all time.  But if "I am a Real American" hits- you know you are fired up.
I think Taker is massively overrated.  However, every WM he brings it.  And I do think the streak ends this year (I know I said Punk last year- it should have ended then).   I'm thinking him versus his buddy Brock who he will put over.
Finally, Flair.  WOOOOOOO!
Just no close ups of his face please.


Complete and total failures.
And I'm not saying because they lost in the semis to Canada.  Obviously they were a better team and deserved to win the gold.  Good for Claude and Bergey.
But in the bronze game to just not even show up- literally just act like you don't care.  Failures.  Pathetic.
And it's probably the nail in the coffin for sending pro players to the Olympics.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Now that's "classy"

So Dempster leaves over 13 MILLION on the table because he feels he can't pitch to his level anymore.
Entire team that is in Florida comes out as he chokes back tears and says he's taking a year off (i.e. retiring).
Gives the team options.  Doesn't make it all about himself.  Cares more about the team than himself.
Seems a little more "classy" than a guy who wouldn't give up his position but gives kick ass gift baskets to his conquests.

No more

I can't take it anymore.  No more snow.  Never, ever, ever again.
It has to end at some point.
I think I'm going to need to break down and finally by a snowblower.
Or....just wait it out until my son can do it on his own.  I'll wait.

3 am

Saw this at 3:00 am and was WIDE AWAKE.
I'll probably crash later on but I really feel like I am getting a full day at least.
Glad my new gym is 24 hours.  Makes things much easier.

I want Gold!

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4 years ago I had to listen to my Canadian neighbors talk crap and it's payback time.
Beyond excited for this.  Saturday was amazing.  Legit nerve wracking.
I've said no more shirts but if they win gold I need one.  Need it bad.
P.S. I can't take another loss to Canada.
P.P.S. My neighbor had a football scholarship in Canada.  I asked if it was regular rules or CFL and he looked at me like I had ten heads.  I think that's a legit question.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

This is the life.....

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Spring Training.
And of course it's freezing and it's going to freaking snow again.  Where are you global warming!
But this is the life.  Go down to Florida, relax, be warm, play baseball.  And be paid millions upon millions of dollars to do so.
If only I had an ounce of athletic ability.  Damnit!

February 24th.....

Both return to RAW!
I'm wayyyyyy too excited for this.  Rearranging my whole schedule that week to ensure that I am home for it.
I've always thought that the Undertaker was overrated but there is no question he brings it every WrestleMania.  And if it is Brock this year there is a very good chance the streak ends.  I know I said that last year with Punk (RIP) but consider these two things:
1. Taker and Brock are good friends.  Makes me think Taker would be willing to end streak to him;
2. It's very close to the end of the road for him.  He needs new hips.  And he has always said that the proper way to go out is to put someone else over;
3.  They need to establish Brock as a monster and they are trying to with his demolition of Show.  This would be unprecedented.
And Hogan- who is probably the worst in ring performer of all time- but my childhood!  Cannot wait to see him back in what could be his last run as well.
P.S. This is the reason Punk quit...