Friday, February 28, 2014

The Catholic Action League missed the mark.....

So Mayor Walsh has put his money where his mouth is and said he will not participate in the parade if gays aren't allowed to march.  Much bolder stance than his predecessor Mumbles who went every year but received universal praise for writing a letter to a chicken shack saying they weren't welcome.
Here is the CALs reasoning:
“Saint Patrick was a Catholic archbishop and is a Catholic saint,” Doyle said in a statement Thursday. “How do you honor a Catholic saint by providing a platform to those who express pride in rejecting Catholic morality? And who castigate that morality as bigotry, hatred and homophobia?”
The League is an independent Catholic organization and operates separately from the Archdiocese of Boston. A spokesman for the archdiocese could not be reached for comment Thursday night.
In its statement, the Action League called Mayor Martin J. Walsh’s intervention “an attempt to impose a radically discordant message, entirely inappropriate to the celebration of Boston’s principal patron saint.”
“The feast of Saint Patrick commemorates the bishop and confessor through whom an entire people, in one lifetime, were converted from paganism to the Catholic and Apostolic Faith,” the League said. “Mayor Walsh’s efforts, if successful, would destroy the traditional character of the parade, empty it of its original meaning, and reduce it to a secular community festival, devoid of any religious significance.”
"Secular community festival, devoid of any religious significance?"  Seriously?  Shut the fuck up.  It's a morning where everyone in Southie gets hammered.  That's it.
I mean we are talking about walking down the street, right?  So if you let someone walk down the street you are saying you agree with their life choices?  Is that seriously your position?  Are you afraid that they will make the children gay ala Putin?
Seriously take your bigotry somewhere else.  It's a day where the crooked politicians go to breakfast and make horrible jokes and young people get fucked up. 
I have no idea why anyone gay/straight would want to march in it but everyone should have the right.  And if you don't like their float/sign or whatever then don't like it.  What the hell is the problem?
And yeah I know they took this action all the way to the Supreme Court and will rest their laurels on that ruling but.....there is a difference between morally right and legally right.
Maybe the CAL should get off their high platform and do the right thing.

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