Friday, February 28, 2014


Right now this is looking to be a disaster.  They have a lot of work to do.
The only way they can save the main event is to insert someone else.  It should have been Bryan but now it's going to be him v. HHH.  And it's not like they will have him wrestle twice with stipulation being if he beats HHH he is in because everyone will know he will win.  And I got a feeling HHH beats him clean which will SUCK.
Batista is a mess.  Doesn't have the cardio and wasn't that good to begin with.  Fans HATE him.  And they can't turn him because Guardians is coming out and he has to be a face.  So Orton is the heel?  Ugh.  Make nice with CM Punk or bring back Jericho. catapult Roman Reigns.  Right now.  He goes on a tear- somehow gets his way in and wins the title.  Then you can put the remaining Shield/Wyatt family against each other.
Cena/Wyatt can work well if Cena gives him the rub- which I think he will.
Book this as Undertaker's last match.  Build it up and then have Brock beat him with Heyman's interference.
Hopefully the New Age Outlaws go away.  And Goldust/Rhodes get back in the mix.
Lot, lot, lot of work to do before now and then.

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