Friday, August 30, 2013

The newest member of USA Rugby is....

Tim Tebow.

That's what I want.  I want it so bad I can taste it.  And it makes amazing sense.

Obviously I don't have 1/10000000000th of the football knowledge of Bill or Josh McDaniels.  But just watching him- it was painful.  He got sacked four times and can't throw.  I mean he just can't do it.  And I have no idea why they can't fix it but he's going into his fourth year now so I think it's permanent.

So if he gets cut....USA Rugby should do whatever, and I mean WHATEVER it takes to get Tebow.  I don't care if it's ownership of the team.  Something where he would have to make significantly more like David Beckham did.

Let's look just on the field.  I don't know if he can tackle but he's a big dude.  Got to assume he can.  And he can take a hit.  And he can RUN.  And you throw the goddamn ball backwards.  If he can tackle he'd be a nasty wing forward.  If he can't put him in the backs.  If he can throw the ball backwards, and can pick up the game- I'm 100% serious put him at scrumhalf.  If he can learn the Pats playbook he can learn the Eagles.

And what does USA have to lose?  We're losing to fucking Canada.  Can you imagine the bloodbath the All Blacks would put on them right now?  Yikes.  Now be honest, and stick Tebow on the team.  Maybe you can't picture a win but do you think the beating would be as bad?  Didn't think so.

And the national attention would be fucking intense.  And I don't care what people say- more people like Tebow then not.  ESPN would blow their load and follow you every second.  Games would be showcased on national television.  Think of what it would do for the youth movement.

And not to mention...I think he'd be really, really good out there.  Get him in the open field and watch out.  Go watch Nate Ebner's 7's tourney highlights and what a beast he was.  And that's Nate fucking Ebner.

So in closing.....

Tebow time!!!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Not going to do angel dust....

Read the Hernandez article.  Yeah Rolling Stone is a rag but I wanted to see what it had to say.

Angel dust is very bad apparently.  Don't do it.

The only things I took away is that Belichick said get a flop house and the local cops don't like the Pats security.  Believe both but pretty sure Bill didn't mean stash your friends, guns, drugs and illegal activities there. 

Oh and Urban Meyer is a complete piece of crap.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Leave Boston

Someone got their moving truck stuck under the Storrow Drive overpass and can't get it out.  They need to tear the roof off and traffic is backed up.

Because of this I have one thing to say to the new student moving in: Leave Boston.  Leave now.  Don't come back.

Moving week in Boston is the worst.  Traffic everywhere, everything backed up- it's just miserable.  Trash everywhere.  Just gross.

So if the first thing you do in this city is this stupid you should just leave.  Start over- try somewhere else without overpasses - like Iowa or somewhere.

Boston isn't for you.

Crack kills

I actually feel bad for poor Lamar.  He's had a tough life.  I always appreciate it when someone who comes from bad circumstances becomes successful- even if it is only because of a freakish gift of athletic ability.

I feel like the Kardashians use him.  One because I hate them.  Two because he doesn't seem that bright- remember- he got a 22 out of 36 on the ACT and they said that there is no way he could have done that well.  Three because crack kills.  Which he should know since his father died of a heroin overdose but that's neither here nor there.  I know someone that went to rehab for crack and the person thinks about it every day.  That's not good.

And even when if he kicks it, he has to go back to the Kardashians.

I can't wait to they exploit this for their personal gain.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Double standard

Just wanted to point out I was touched by Obama's speech regarding the recent hate crimes killing an innocent student and WWII veteran.  Except we all know that didn't happen.  Too busy golfing or calling the Cambridge police stupid when they arrest his Harvard professor buddy.

Jesse Jackson got the name of the student killed wrong and said that type of violence was "frowned upon."  Guess violence is only good when you can wipe the blood on you to start your career.

Al Sharpton, who is bigoted against gays, Jews and whites, say it's not a hate crime because one of the scum was white.  Forget the texts and everything- no money to be made on this one.  But the case in Florida was racist and required protests when a Hispanic man shot a black teenager attacking him?  I don't get it.

If we are going to address race it's got to go both ways.  And I know that the left says I'm supposed to feel guilty because I'm white and slavery used to exist but I don't.  I try to live right, treat people equally and fairly in every situation.  And until we do that with every situation we aren't going to get past the race problems and inequalities in this country.

And Oprah should shut her fat face as well.  Another incident with a store owner right before her movie opens again?  Not buying it.  Am I really supposed to feel bad for her that she allegedly had trouble seeing a $35,000 purse in Switzerland?  F her.

Oh and I could definitely handle being water boarded for 15 seconds.  Big debate about it.  No doubt in my mind I could.  None.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Speaking of waste...

I used this instead of a football pic because this is what he wants to be apparently.

Indicted today.  Knew it was coming but now it's official.  What a waste.  Of talent, life, union resources...

Listen I am a union guy.  100%.  Is there waste?  Of course.  As there is in every aspect of everything.  There will always be someone that abuses the system.  But the bottom line is unions protect workers.  Look what happens without- from indentured servitude leading to death searching for rubber in Brazil, the railroads, etc.  Workers need protection.  Lot of things I don't like about what I do but standing up for union workers isn't one of them.

Got to scratch my head on the NFLPA going after his bonus money though.  Obviously don't know the facts and maybe they were legally obligated to and were worried about being sued.  Because Hernandez is going to lose ALL his money in his defense and subsequent civil suits.  Take my word for it.  If he goes on trial for the two men killed last year after this trial it will be with a public defender.

Sweet watch though.  Maybe he'll sell it to me cheap....

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Florida....What the fuck. No seriously- what the fuck are you doing? This is crazy.

At least 20 children have died since mid-April in a deadly summer of abuse and neglect for Florida’s children.

Read that again.

That is fucking insane.  Lunacy.  Mass murder.  Tragedy.

But thankfully the liberals have protested and marched and the news is covering this and...what's that?  Not a word?  No peep.  Nothing.  Can we tell them that some of the kids were wearing hoodies?  Would that inspire them?

Seriously - guy follows teenager.  Teenager attacks him.  Guy shoots teenager and is tried and acquitted.  Horrible tragedy that could have been avoided.  And what happens- around the clock worldwide coverage, marches, protests, candlelight vigils, celebrities commenting, the President coming on TV and telling me I'm racist.

20 dead kids due to DCF neglect- nothing. 

Fucking hypocrites only looking for their agenda.  Come on Sharpton and Jackson- where the hell are you?

20 dead children since April.  And I understand that sometimes DCF has an impossible job.  And there are always going to be instances where things fall through the cracks but 20 is unacceptable.  It's negligent.  Holder- where the hell is the DOJ?  Do these kids not deserve justice?

It's a shame these kids can't further people's agendas and get the attention they deserve.

Read more here:

Monday, August 19, 2013 piece of shit

Let's all agree that there is no way Dempster hit A-Rod on accident last night.  Just didn't happen.

He let his anger get the best of him and cost the Sox a valuable game and gave life to the Yankees.

He did it because either:

He's mad A-Rod used/is on roids.  Take a look around Ryan- everyone was/is.

He's mad A-Rod appealed and can play.  Your union negotiated that- and it's helped you in the past.

He's mad that A-Rod stood him up at a charity event.  I really, really hope this one's not true because then you would certainly be a truly selfish piece of shit.

Either way you suck Dempster and should be suspended for conduct detrimental to the team.

What's that?  You tried your best?  Your best....losers always whine about their go home and...

Friday, August 16, 2013


Back from vacation trying to dig my way out of this hole at work.

Met a guy there who was super, super liberal.  Nice guy.  I don't consider myself conservative or liberal because I feel once you label yourself you block yourself in.  I agree and disagree with stuff on both sides.

But this guy...oh man.  Before even inquiring what I do he began insulting unions and stating that it's impossible to fire teachers.  I explained to him I represent the teacher's union and that terminations can happen and the union is to protect rights, not keep teachers that need to be terminated on the payroll.  Wouldn't buy it.  Nope.  Impossible.  Even presented with facts.

Why close your mind?  Listen to other ideas.  I get proved wrong all the time and it makes me better for it.  Just some people won't do it.  I have one friend, or former friend I guess, that basically threw his life away chasing that false ideology because he believed in it so much and refused to let it go.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Fuck Bullying

I'm fascinated to see how this case in Massachusetts turns out about a former student suing her former school for ignoring her bullying.  I know absolutely nothing about the case other than it is one of first impression so I have no idea who I believe is right or wrong. 

I just think it's a very important issue and one that worries me immensely.  I constantly worry about what happens if one of my kids gets bullied and hates going to school.  Like how do you deal with that?  Ugh.  Stomach hurts just thinking about it.

And what if they bully?  What if they peer pressure and do something to someone?  Does that make us bad parents?  Double ugh.

So fuck bullying.

And I hope that somehow justice is served in this case.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Good guy, bad statement

I like Jonny Gomes.  A lot.  I think (obviously don't know) that he's a good guy who has faced death and grabbed life by the horns.  I loved his bat dedicated to those lost in the Boston bombings.

But Jonny....don't bash your union.  I appreciate the anti-A-Rod sentiment...but come on.  You have received millions of dollars in contract money from your union and they were there for you when you were suspended for fighting with Coco Crisp.

It works both ways.  How would you feel if they didn't defend you when you needed it.

And don't complain about your union dues.  Just don't.

But that is a KICK ASS outfit.  No arguing that.

Monday, August 5, 2013

3 strikes!

This is a dean from UCLA who is an active triathlete and has billed the school tens of thousands of dollars claiming she needs to fly first class for medical reasons.

First strike- FUCK UCLA.  Horrible, horrible institution.

Second strike- Don't call yourself a doctor if you have a PhD.

Third strike- Seriously- all this waste and you can look yourself in the mirror?  Ugh.

Waste, waste, waste waste, waste.  Sick of it.  Gov't is out of control.

My only hope is that on Obama's next tax payer funded millions of dollars vacation this month that he can find a way to stop all this waste and fix the furlough.  If only there was a solution.  Maybe Michelle asked when she was lunching with Bono on the taxpayers dime.

If only there was a solution...

Friday, August 2, 2013

Rain rain go away

Taking the day off when I shouldn't based on my workload: Check.

Wife unable to work because Obama hates the middle class and instituted the furlough: Check.

Sitter for kids: Check.

Plan for lots of outside activities: Check.

Checking the weather report for today: Shit.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


....isn't really going to win any awards with me.  I'm not sure why people think they should use it as a tool.

Yesterday was with a lawyer who I don't know if she tried good cop/bad cop, if her client instructed her to or whatever but she went straight from sitting there chit chatting to straight up laying into me.  It was actually quite the transformation.  But the thing is I don't care.  I'm not scared/impressed/annoyed- I just don't understand why you would waste the energy.

Same thing in other avenues of my professional life.  You are much more likely to get my attention if you are straight up with me rather then long rambling yelling/emails/etc.

So the lesson of the day is be nice.