Monday, August 5, 2013

3 strikes!

This is a dean from UCLA who is an active triathlete and has billed the school tens of thousands of dollars claiming she needs to fly first class for medical reasons.

First strike- FUCK UCLA.  Horrible, horrible institution.

Second strike- Don't call yourself a doctor if you have a PhD.

Third strike- Seriously- all this waste and you can look yourself in the mirror?  Ugh.

Waste, waste, waste waste, waste.  Sick of it.  Gov't is out of control.

My only hope is that on Obama's next tax payer funded millions of dollars vacation this month that he can find a way to stop all this waste and fix the furlough.  If only there was a solution.  Maybe Michelle asked when she was lunching with Bono on the taxpayers dime.

If only there was a solution...

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