Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Florida....What the fuck. No seriously- what the fuck are you doing? This is crazy.

At least 20 children have died since mid-April in a deadly summer of abuse and neglect for Florida’s children.

Read that again.

That is fucking insane.  Lunacy.  Mass murder.  Tragedy.

But thankfully the liberals have protested and marched and the news is covering this and...what's that?  Not a word?  No peep.  Nothing.  Can we tell them that some of the kids were wearing hoodies?  Would that inspire them?

Seriously - guy follows teenager.  Teenager attacks him.  Guy shoots teenager and is tried and acquitted.  Horrible tragedy that could have been avoided.  And what happens- around the clock worldwide coverage, marches, protests, candlelight vigils, celebrities commenting, the President coming on TV and telling me I'm racist.

20 dead kids due to DCF neglect- nothing. 

Fucking hypocrites only looking for their agenda.  Come on Sharpton and Jackson- where the hell are you?

20 dead children since April.  And I understand that sometimes DCF has an impossible job.  And there are always going to be instances where things fall through the cracks but 20 is unacceptable.  It's negligent.  Holder- where the hell is the DOJ?  Do these kids not deserve justice?

It's a shame these kids can't further people's agendas and get the attention they deserve.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/08/18/v-fullstory/3570821/girl-2-pays-with-her-life-for.html#.UhNp_N2u0EQ.twitter#storylink=cpy

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