Saturday, August 24, 2013

Double standard

Just wanted to point out I was touched by Obama's speech regarding the recent hate crimes killing an innocent student and WWII veteran.  Except we all know that didn't happen.  Too busy golfing or calling the Cambridge police stupid when they arrest his Harvard professor buddy.

Jesse Jackson got the name of the student killed wrong and said that type of violence was "frowned upon."  Guess violence is only good when you can wipe the blood on you to start your career.

Al Sharpton, who is bigoted against gays, Jews and whites, say it's not a hate crime because one of the scum was white.  Forget the texts and everything- no money to be made on this one.  But the case in Florida was racist and required protests when a Hispanic man shot a black teenager attacking him?  I don't get it.

If we are going to address race it's got to go both ways.  And I know that the left says I'm supposed to feel guilty because I'm white and slavery used to exist but I don't.  I try to live right, treat people equally and fairly in every situation.  And until we do that with every situation we aren't going to get past the race problems and inequalities in this country.

And Oprah should shut her fat face as well.  Another incident with a store owner right before her movie opens again?  Not buying it.  Am I really supposed to feel bad for her that she allegedly had trouble seeing a $35,000 purse in Switzerland?  F her.

Oh and I could definitely handle being water boarded for 15 seconds.  Big debate about it.  No doubt in my mind I could.  None.

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