Monday, July 29, 2013
This is always how I pictured my kids when it came to sharing. We would teach them how to share, they would listen, and would be happy to do so.
Obviously, that is not the case.
We had friends over yesterday and for the most part my son is pretty good at sharing his toys. But there were times when someone would try to grab something from him and he would not be happy about it. And I want to tell him to share but shouldn't he be allowed to play with it if he is using it? I don't know. Very complicated.
Bottom line is we have too many toys in the house.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Not the answer
Time to attack the idiots on the Right now. Sen. McCain believes a one dollar gold coin will help the stripping industry.
Detroit is bankrupt. Racial tensions at all time high. Furlough. Crushing debt. Terrorism. So of course this idiot chooses to focus on strippers.
So let's do the same.
Do you really want a bunch of drunk guys throwing coins at strippers? Might work for a little while like the first time an 18 year old goes to Canada and realizes that the looneys are worth $2.00 and he shouldn't have thrown all his coins away. But not in the long run.
And where are they going to put the coins? They come over, you slide in a bill, they ask if you want a dance. Take that away equals a decline in more expensive dances equals less money. Economics 101. Idiot.
You want to help the stripping industry- here you go. No $1.00 bills in strip clubs anymore. Only $2.00 bills. Everything stays the same except double the money.
I hope Kim Kardashian's Big Ass Gets Stuck in Her Gold Toilet and they have to pull her off like Murdoch in Lethal Weapon 2
I generally don't care what people spend their money on. I don't get jealous of rich people. Most of it is luck anyways. Go big if you want to. I'm not one of these lefties who sees that Phil Mickelson just got taxed 61% of his winnings and goes: he deserves it -Who cares he's rich anyways. I look at that and get terrified- that's going to be the future for everyone if this government keeps it up.
But that fact that Kanye and Kim have spent a million dollars on gold fucking toilets in their Bel Air estate is infuriating. At least with him he has a discernible skill. What has she ever done? Seriously I have no idea. She was in a porn. Her dad was an attorney. How is all this money coming in? Her show is....terrible. At least with the Housewives you realize that Bravo has gathered very dumb and very vain people and it's fun to see them be stupid. Her show is so clearly set up and fake- I don't get it. Really. What the fuck. I hope she gets sucked down into one of them.
We didn't go to dinner Sunday because we are saving money because we don't know what is going to happen with the furlough. And here they are spending money on gold fucking toilets. And she's not even hot- even at her best airbrushed appearance she's fat.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
I think it is a tumor...
Am a towel guy at the gym. Time and place to be naked (a lesson I didn't adhere to during college) and hanging around, chatting in the locker room isn't one of them.
But I don't care if you do. Go nuts. Flap away in the breeze.
However, if you have something giant protruding from your stomach and you just casually walk around naked, chat, walk around- people are going to look.
The fact that you have this condition and still work out- good for you.
But dude- it looks like a football is trying to escape from your tummy. Kind of disturbing. Cover it up a little bit.
Or don't. I feel like maybe he's like I got a bad hand so screw you to everyone.
Good for him I guess. I'm just thankful not footballs coming out of my stomach. Win for me.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Sell sell sell!!!!
I just got out of a marketing meeting and I feel like my head is going to explode.
I understand that I am in the selling business. I need to sell my services to obtain clients. And then sell to keep them.
And I fucking hate it.
For the most part I like what I do. Get me in front of a Judge and I can hold my own. I haven't lost a trial in four years and that's not all luck. Knock on wood, throw salt or some other stupid shit.
But I can't stand tooting my own horn telling you how great my services are, we are the best, blah blah blah, etc. And there's like a 90% strike out rate. And it's something I need to get better at but just isn't happening for me - for a number of reasons.
But it's on me so.....
Sunday, July 21, 2013
One Up
If I tell you that I have travelled to every state in the country twice and then you tell me that you travel as well and can name specific streets in Santa Monica, Oswego and Johnsburg....considered me one upped.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
No more bait....
Decided I am not going to be baited anymore.
I enjoy arguing/debating. It's fun. I respect other opinions even if I disagree with them. That's the only way you are going to grow/get smahter.
But it seems to me that other people don't feel the same way. Just talking with people about Zimmerman/Rolling Stone/politics in general....they don't want to hear it. Which is everyone's right. So I've made an early New Year's resolution that I'm not going to jump into arguments even if it's so, so, so ridiculous. It will be tough because I see things like how because it's summer and hot it's obviously global warming, or can read people's minds and motives, or that RS didn't publish that pic for attention. Just look, try to understand where they are coming from, but not engage.
Feel happier already....
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Let It Go
My beef of the day is my Twitter timeline is just the same thing over, and over, and over again.
Johnny Manziel- college kid shows up hung over and late to work. Sent home. Got it. Move on.
Rolling Stone cover- it is obviously a stunt for attention. So don't give it to them. Be mad about it but really who cares? Does anyone even read that rag anymore? Boycotts, yelling, 4 hours of D & C- that's exactly what they are looking for. Terrorists aren't going to look at that and then decide to get into the terrorist business- they are in it because they hate us.
Zimmerman- now obviously I'm not trying to downplay the significance of this trial. A young man lost his life. I'm not going to get into my feelings on the verdict but the continued "outrage" is absurd. Not that the young man is dead, but because a verdict that people didn't want was rendered. If you really want to do something, if activism is your thing, there are 1000s of cases in this country where there have been a miscarriage of justice that you should focus on and do something about.
Bottom line is I feel like we hold on to things way too long when we should learn from them and try to anticipate and fix the next problem.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Operation Immediately Organize
So for reasons not important to get into, my heavy workload has about tripled. Yowzers.
So my first thought was to pull a Cigarette Smoking Man on Mulder's office on my office but thought better of it.
So I realize the key to ride this storm is organization. Something I am not very good at.
Any tips?
Monday, July 15, 2013
Six years....
Six years ago yesterday I played in what will be my last ever rugby game. And as I mentioned to Andrea about the date yesterday she wanted to know why I remembered it.
And after a lot of thought I think I know why. Because it was the turning point in my life.
You don't know how lucky you are until the chips are down. I had friends blow me away with their kindness and concern. My wife (girlfriend at the time) took care of me. Realized how lucky I was so the day always stuck with me.
And it's ok that I'll never play again. I won't ever run a marathon again either. Not worth the risk. I can't even fathom what I would do now with the kiddos and that injury.
I never, ever kicked the ball in rugby. Too unpredictable - I could never tell where it would end up. I'm far from athletic but I'm fast and strong- would always go to ground and pop back up. Except that day I went for the kick. Maybe it was meant to be.
But I played the best game on the planet at a high level. Got hurt doing what I loved surrounded by the people I love.
Lucky guy...
Friday, July 12, 2013
What politicians really care about....
Pretty self-explanatory.
And what bothers me is nobody seems to give a shit. We elect these reprehensible people (both Democrats and Republicans), they engage in behavior we would never tolerate and get a pass.
Clinton is making 100 million dollars on speeches. Would you let him near your daughter?
Look at New York- Weiner and Spitzer- all is forgiven.
And the Republicans are bad too. You got senators that can't get enough of hookers and everyone seems to let that pass as well.
They don't care about you. They care about the money. And the lifestyle of that money. It's a joke.
And it's too bad to. Because I think by the time my grandkids are my age this country is going to be radically different. And maybe not for the better. Because people on both sides refused to stand up and do the right thing.
But maybe it's impossible with this system. I know Obama was going to be the Great Hope but he's shown how much he cares about the hard working Americans. The gov't workers can see the 20% he stole from them every week out of their paychecks. How were those vacations? Did the wife and kids have fun meeting Bono in Ireland?
Until groups of people stand up and do something we are fucked.
But at least it's Friday.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
How to fix Welfare
Massachusetts is a very liberal state. So liberal in fact that EBT/welfare benefits have gotten out of control. Politicians who profit from this (votes) dismissed it but finally reports are coming out and the numbers aren't good:
Of the state’s 550,000 food stamp, or SNAP, recipients, 1,794 have balances of more than $1,500, and another 45 are carrying more than $5,000.
One balance in March hit $12,088, the highest from any of the seven months of data the Herald reviewed.
For those receiving state taxpayer-funded cash assistance, one EBT cardholder had a $4,622 balance, and another $4,320.
On top of that the state gave the Boston bombers and their family over $100,000 in benefits. The taxpayers funded terrorism.
And I think most people have some story of seeing someone on welfare driving an SUV or using EBT to buy lobster at the store. Welfare has become a way of life for many people and that's not a good thing. Ben Franklin said that the worse thing you can do is make someone poor feel comfortable and that is exactly what has happened. But I can fix it:
1. IDs on EBT cards. I don't care what the expense is. I don't care if misguided people think this is racist. Do it.
2. No more cash from EBT. Can't track cash. No more tattoos, cruises, booze, etc.
3. If you receive benefits you are told what food you can buy. There is an obesity problem in this country and it starts with junk food to kids at a young age. Time to change that. This country needs to get healthier.
4. One time you are convicted of fraud you are banned for life from receiving benefits. No appeals, stays or extensions.
5. Cancel all benefits right now. To reapply, you must appear in person with valid proof of your address. This will cut out some fraud.
6. Time limit. At some point it has to end. 1 year, maybe 2. Welfare was meant to be help, not a lifestyle. This includes subsidized housing.
Those six steps are implemented I guarantee the numbers of wasted tax dollars in five years is down at least 40%.
I'll bet you a beer.
Patriot Way
Well it's a good thing that the Pats changed their logo since the Patriot Way, if it ever existed, is dead. Dead, dead, dead.
Hernandez. Bad dude. Drafted anyways late because the Pats love, love, love value. Then resigned because he produced. Now one of either two things happened. They investigated Hernandez and didn't care, or they didn't investigate him. Obviously they didn't know murders were in his future but clearly they should have been more careful. My main beef is why take good guys like Wilfork and Mankins to the line but then resign this asshole early?
Dennard. They painted themselves into a box after Bobby Kraft came out about Hernandez and said he was "duped". And the media, for whatever reason, buys it hook, line and sinker. Anyone question that maybe, just maybe, that was said to try and recoup some of the money? And then that foolish letter gets released? Come on now. Open your eyes.
Deannard has to go. They have no choice now.
And a good friend of mine who will defend the Pats at all costs thinks I hate Bobby, and Bill and Tom Brady. Not true.
Tom Brady - greatest QB of all time. Period. Even if he never throws another pass again. But a complete and utter dink in his personal life.
Bill- great coach (?) - maybe. He didn't win shit without Brady. And right or wrong he's got Spygate on his resume. And is he the one picking these players? Feel like he is Coach Winters in the Program.
Bobby Kraft. I call him Bobby because the sycophants in the media call him "Mr. Kraft" as a sign of respect. Look- he's a good owner. A decade ago we were winning Superbowls. But why does everyone overlook the fact that he threatened to move the team? And I'm afraid years from now, based on his lack of spending on players, Bill/Tom will be the new Jim Kelly/Marv Levy. Way the team is constructed now- no more than 10-6 and out of the playoffs in the first round.
Love football and love the Pats but hate the hypocrisy.
Go Tebow!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
I really wonder what some people wouldn't protest.
Like there are always some people who are always going to say it's a conspiracy or a false flag or whatever. But this guy confessed and said what his motive was. He's promoting his religion of peace through extreme violence.
Manson, Hernandez, Boston bombers....always groupies that latch on. I wonder if there would ever be anything where nobody would support the criminals.
That said the people who get upset about these assholes...that's exactly what they want. Who cares...let them embarrass themselves. Just ignore them and they will disappear. Like that church that protests the military funerals, etc. I appreciate the bikers coming out to block them....I like when people stick up for each other...but it's exactly what they want. Just ignore them and they will go back to their holes.
P.S. How pissed is Whitey that he's losing so much attention because of all this? No doubt in mind he takes the stand. His final moment of glory.
So the navigation system in my car blew the other day. 2 grand.
My mower just got picked up. If everything goes 100% perfect and there is a miracle- $350. And that is if nothing else is wrong.
And if I posted this on Facebook some asshole would say: First World Problems, lol!
I hate those people.
If it's your problem it's a problem. I hate when people try to minimalize it like that. Unless you are serving in Iraq or are in a First Aid tent in Somalia, shut the fuck up.
And fix my mower.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
And that's a good thing in my case. Mine is visiting right now and I can sense her cleaning the house from my office. Kind of like a mini-vacation for me: she does the dishes, helps out with the kids and tells the wife how great I am. And kind of like a mini-vacation for the wife as she doesn't work on Wednesday's and thanks to the furlough she gets Thursday off.
Don't get me started on the furlough.
But it's important to realize how lucky I am. Lot of my friends despise their mother in laws. Not me.
Tonight I will drink a Sam Adams' in her honor.
"I beg your pardon sir, but I believe this will be our finest hour."
One of the best lines from a fantastic film. And something I am trying to apply right now. Looking at everything in front of me I feel like the next six months are going to be make or break and I can really shine. Like I just got to buckle down and push as hard as I can.
But then I think that's a lot of work.
I think I'll go home and have a beer later.
Perhaps a Sam Adams.
So you probably didn't realize that on 4th of July Sam Adams ran a commercial reciting the Declaration of Independence but didn't include the word God. Because you aren't crazy. This commercial has some people upset and they have started a campaign to ban Sam Adams.
I'd like to meet these people. Because I want to know the person that has so much free time on their hands and so little problems in their life that they are willing to go to this much effort. Like were they grilling with friends and the commercial came on and suddenly they all just said I can't believe they didn't say God and threw down their beers? Who fucking cares.
If you don't like the beer don't drink it. If you don't like their commercials change the channel. I'll just never get why people get riled up at such stupid shit. Plus, if you really care that much about background that it's going to effect your choice of beverage, take a look at what Jim Koch has done for other brewers and businesses. Good guy.
Plus he mastered the jean pants and jean jacket look. Got to respect that.
Welcome to Hippos are Dangerous.
For the very few of you that knows what that means, congratulations - you are in a select club. To anyone that has actually been attacked by a hippo, I mean no offense.
Have a lot on my mind on a lot of different issues. I enjoy writing and am looking for an outlet between the many, many things going on in my life. This is 100% for me. Me, me, me, me. Very selfish. I have no visions of grandeur of knocking Barstool off the map- just looking for an outlet. Know that going in if you can handle the power of the hippo.
What is this blog going to be about? Beats the hell out of me. Sports, religion, politics, life, kids, friends, beer...whatever I feel like. I am the God of this Blog.
So come check it out. Or don't. I have no idea how much I will update it or if at all. Kind of like life- you have no idea where it is going to take you.
Let's have some fun.
Stephen J. Allard, Esq.
Scrum Half Steve
Whatever else you want to call me
For the very few of you that knows what that means, congratulations - you are in a select club. To anyone that has actually been attacked by a hippo, I mean no offense.
Have a lot on my mind on a lot of different issues. I enjoy writing and am looking for an outlet between the many, many things going on in my life. This is 100% for me. Me, me, me, me. Very selfish. I have no visions of grandeur of knocking Barstool off the map- just looking for an outlet. Know that going in if you can handle the power of the hippo.
What is this blog going to be about? Beats the hell out of me. Sports, religion, politics, life, kids, friends, beer...whatever I feel like. I am the God of this Blog.
So come check it out. Or don't. I have no idea how much I will update it or if at all. Kind of like life- you have no idea where it is going to take you.
Let's have some fun.
Stephen J. Allard, Esq.
Scrum Half Steve
Whatever else you want to call me
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