Tuesday, July 9, 2013

So you probably didn't realize that on 4th of July Sam Adams ran a commercial reciting the Declaration of Independence but didn't include the word God.  Because you aren't crazy. This commercial has some people upset and they have started a campaign to ban Sam Adams.

I'd like to meet these people.  Because I want to know the person that has so much free time on their hands and so little problems in their life that they are willing to go to this much effort.  Like were they grilling with friends and the commercial came on and suddenly they all just said I can't believe they didn't say God and threw down their beers?  Who fucking cares.

If you don't like the beer don't drink it.  If you don't like their commercials change the channel.  I'll just never get why people get riled up at such stupid shit.  Plus, if you really care that much about background that it's going to effect your choice of beverage, take a look at what Jim Koch has done for other brewers and businesses.   Good guy.

Plus he mastered the jean pants and jean jacket look.  Got to respect that.

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