Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Welcome to Hippos are Dangerous.

For the very few of you that knows what that means, congratulations - you are in a select club.  To anyone that has actually been attacked by a hippo, I mean no offense.

Have a lot on my mind on a lot of different issues.  I enjoy writing and am looking for an outlet between the many, many things going on in my life.  This is 100% for me.  Me, me, me, me.  Very selfish.  I have no visions of grandeur of knocking Barstool off the map- just looking for an outlet.  Know that going in if you can handle the power of the hippo.

What is this blog going to be about?  Beats the hell out of me.  Sports, religion, politics, life, kids, friends, beer...whatever I feel like.  I am the God of this Blog.

So come check it out.  Or don't.  I have no idea how much I will update it or if at all.  Kind of like life- you have no idea where it is going to take you.

Let's have some fun.

Stephen J. Allard, Esq.
Scrum Half Steve
Whatever else you want to call me

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