Thursday, July 11, 2013

How to fix Welfare

Massachusetts is a very liberal state.  So liberal in fact that EBT/welfare benefits have gotten out of control.  Politicians who profit from this (votes) dismissed it but finally reports are coming out and the numbers aren't good:

Of the state’s 550,000 food stamp,
 or SNAP, recipients, 1,794 have balances of more than $1,500, and another 45 are carrying more than $5,000.

One balance in March hit $12,088, the highest from any of the seven months of data the Herald reviewed.

For those receiving state taxpayer-funded cash assistance, one EBT cardholder had a $4,622 balance, and another $4,320.

On top of that the state gave the Boston bombers and their family over $100,000 in benefits.  The taxpayers funded terrorism.

And I think most people have some story of seeing someone on welfare driving an SUV or using EBT to buy lobster at the store.  Welfare has become a way of life for many people and that's not a good thing.  Ben Franklin said that the worse thing you can do is make someone poor feel comfortable and that is exactly what has happened.  But I can fix it:

1. IDs on EBT cards.  I don't care what the expense is.  I don't care if misguided people think this is racist.  Do it.

2. No more cash from EBT.  Can't track cash.  No more tattoos, cruises, booze, etc.

3. If you receive benefits you are told what food you can buy.  There is an obesity problem in this country and it starts with junk food to kids at a young age.  Time to change that.  This country needs to get healthier.

4. One time you are convicted of fraud you are banned for life from receiving benefits.  No appeals, stays or extensions.

5. Cancel all benefits right now.  To reapply, you must appear in person with valid proof of your address.  This will cut out some fraud.

6. Time limit.  At some point it has to end.  1 year, maybe 2.  Welfare was meant to be help, not a lifestyle.  This includes subsidized housing.

Those six steps are implemented I guarantee the numbers of wasted tax dollars in five years is down at least 40%.

I'll bet you a beer.

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