Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Let It Go

My beef of the day is my Twitter timeline is just the same thing over, and over, and over again.

Johnny Manziel- college kid shows up hung over and late to work.  Sent home.  Got it.  Move on.

Rolling Stone cover- it is obviously a stunt for attention.  So don't give it to them.  Be mad about it but really who cares?  Does anyone even read that rag anymore?  Boycotts, yelling, 4 hours of D & C- that's exactly what they are looking for.  Terrorists aren't going to look at that and then decide to get into the terrorist business- they are in it because they hate us. 

Zimmerman- now obviously I'm not trying to downplay the significance of this trial.  A young man lost his life.  I'm not going to get into my feelings on the verdict but the continued "outrage" is absurd.  Not that the young man is dead, but because a verdict that people didn't want was rendered.  If you really want to do something, if activism is your thing, there are 1000s of cases in this country where there have been a miscarriage of justice that you should focus on and do something about.

Bottom line is I feel like we hold on to things way too long when we should learn from them and try to anticipate and fix the next problem.

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