Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How cute!

I should start off by letting you know I despise the Lakers.  With every fiber of my being.  My hate for them is strong.  Stronger than the Heat.  The Canucks are a close second as I met a Vancouver fan in Mexico at a resort swimming with my son and he wanted to fight me. Classy guy. Plus they are goddamn hippies up there.

So that being said here are my thoughts:

What are they thinking giving Kobe all that money?  Really- you have no idea what he has left in the tank.  Kind of absurd and you've tied your hands.  But they love him in LA because they don't care about rape there so I guess you have to keep him.  But an absurd contract.  And I don't blame the rapist for taking it- I'm not one of those people that think making money is bad- but what the hell is their front office doing?

Second- Magic posted something about how the best moment ever was having Obama at his house.  Now the obvious and cheap thing is an AIDS joke but whatever.  Done.  And it's not an anti-Obama sentiment- would feel the same way if he said it about W- but that's kind of shitty to your teammates throughout the years to say this one private moment was better than all your championships and a gold medal for your country on the greatest basketball team ever assembled (and Christian Laettner).

Typical Lakers.

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