Thursday, November 14, 2013

Rob Ford ladies and gentlemen

In May I was hanging out with some Torontoans....Torontoites.....guys from Toronto and they told me about their mayor and what a mess he is and that I should follow him.  And I am sooooooo glad I did.  I've been watching him before it became stylish to do so.

Sidenote: met these guys in Mexico.  Good guys.  Was wearing my Bruins hat and they came up and started talking to me.  Die hard hockey guys- of course.  And the first thing that they asked....was about the bombings.  That's BostonStrong.  That's what it means.  Good people coming together against evil.  That's what people like Billy Meagher or whatever his name is - who think that the 9/11 hijackers are braver than the American military because they crashed the planes- don't get.  Good he's an asshole.  Actually- I shouldn't insult assholes.

Back to Rob.  This guy is nuts.  Drunk driving, stopping on the side of the road to piss, admits smoking crack, admits buying illegal drugs after clearly thinking of another response but not being able to come up with one and now shows up at a press conference to discuss going down on hookers in cowboy boots and a custom XXXXLLLL jersey.

And those crazy Canucks have no way to get him out.  He's not getting convicted of a crime before his term ends in October.  It's going to be free reign for the next 11 months.

Sorry for my Toronto buds but this is fun to watch.

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