Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Thoughts on Hazing

First things first.  The fact that I can't find the old Black Pack insignia online is atrocious.  I didn't look very hard but nevertheless it's very disheartening that it's not there any longer.  I always said that I wouldn't be one of those alumni that criticize the current team but seriously what the fuck. While I disagree with removing the insignia, no need to complete whitewash the past- which got you to the point you are at.  Good thing I have it tattooed.

Now to the point.

This whole Miami Dolphins hazing thing is nuts.  I fucking despise bullying.  I don't get it.  And the fact that I have to worry about it with my kids is terrible.

Richie Incognito reminds me of this big meathead in high school.  Didn't terrorize me or anything like that.  Had one incident- one thing and it has always stuck with me.  Ripped off my towel after gym and when I went to pick it up he stepped on it and wouldn't let me pick it up so I sat there naked trying to get it.  Maybe lasted five seconds and he laughed and walked away.  And for whatever reason that always stuck with me.  Since that time we've actually become friends- years later outside of high school.  Ended up hanging out one night when I was in law school and was actually a cool guy.  But still- that one incident has always stuck with me.

So I can see where a bullied player is coming from.  Just fucking terrible.  And obviously we shouldn't get too upset about a soon to be multimillionaire getting paid to play a game but it is happening everywhere.  The Somerville soccer team, just all around.  Not good.

Was at a wedding and someone asked me about rugby and compared it to a frat.  I almost puked in my mouth. Frats are fucking stupid.  Nobody likes the guy who talks about his "glory days" but we weren't a frat.  I fucking loved rugby.  Every second of it.  The game is pure.  I gave my left leg for the game and have no regrets.  Walked down to the field a lonely freshmen and left with 40 brothers after that first practice.

Now...did I pay my dues? You bet your ass I did.  But you know what- I never once did anything I didn't want to.  Never.  I had so many guys pound beers for me or give me pointers it was unreal.  I have so many fun memories from my "hazing" that I could never publish online.  And that's one of the things I cherish the most.  The night of my initiation, when I became Scrum Half Steve, was probably in my top five nights in college.  And hearing back from some of the freshmen when I was a senior they say the same and I fucking love that.  Why can't it be like that?  Get the beers, clean up the equipment but if you are asked to say knock on someone's door naked for sugar and you don't want to just say it.  And they'll get someone else to do it.  Like Scrum Half Steve.

I hope that my kids get to enjoy the camaraderie that I had and still continue to have. 

I almost lost it last Tuesday.  Was really going to snap.  But for some reason a text one of my brothers sent me got into my head and I stopped.  That text saved me from doing something very, very bad and escalating a bad situation into something worse.

That's brotherhood.  And it was achieved without making him pay for my meals or some other stupid shit.

So paying your dues- yes.  Hazing- go fuck yourself.

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