Wednesday, November 20, 2013

JFK 50 years ago....

The best teacher I ever had was a former Marine who taught history.  Not only did he teach history but taught me how to think and to question everything.  Completely changed my life.

His Vietnam History class my senior year was so intense and engaging that the night before the final I ended up at Louies (which was odd because PC works backwards- bars 1st two years and house parties the next two) and got HAMMERED, walked into the final and it was four essays- pick 2.  Wrote all four and told him to choose.  Got an A.

I bring this up because he HATED Kennedy.  Said the only bad thing about the assassination was the wasted of a bullet.

Now I'm never going to go that far.  He was our President, and he was killed (alone by Oswald by the way) and you shouldn't make light of that fact, IMO (although it's a great line).

But that being said- I have no idea why he, and that whole family, get a pass.  They made their fortune bootlegging (god I wish I had family that was bootleggers and left me money).

And it's not a political thing.  Teddy Kennedy did some amazing things- and while I disagreed with the Liberal Lion on most policies I understand he helped a lot of people but I always wondered why you couldn't bring up the boozing, womanizing and oh yeah the murder.  If you do you are some right wing nut.

Kennedy almost killed his platoon (but then ended up saving them with an incredible feat of physical and mental strength), was a womanizer and nearly brought us to nuclear war.  But everyone loves him.

Like the Clinton thing.  Can do no wrong although would you want him near your daughter?  Of course not.  But he's LOVED.

Guess that's America for you....

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