Saturday, March 8, 2014

Boston may stay open later!

So Boston may stay open longer like an actual city.  Lot of debate on both sides.  Read this great point in the Herald:
“My mother always used to say, ‘Nothing good happens after 11 p.m.,’ ” said Jeffrey Gates of the Aquitaine Group, which includes Gaslight Brasserie and Union in the South End. “You get this parade that happens. ... They’re going to have these kinds of dashes from 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. That’s the way its going to be. It’s something we have to understand we’re signing up for.”
Well if this guy's mother said nothing good happens after 11 we should just shut it down at 10:30.  Dope.
Look- you want to make Boston a real city this has to be done.  T needs to be open later and there needs to be more cabs and Uber.  That's it.  Or you will always be lacking behind real cities.
And I could care less.  I'll never be in a bar at 2 am again but this has to happen if you want to move on and improve.
How about Walsh?  I had misgivings about an alcoholic who lived with his parents until he was 40 running the city but he has been kicking ass.  The BHA, changing the city, taking an actual stand for gay rights and not just writing a letter - he's done more these last couple months than Mumbles in his last 10 terms.

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