Monday, March 24, 2014

Time to go Remy

Below is a timeline of Remy's behavior before he allegedly killed the mother of one of his children. 

Obviously he was enabled by his parents.  Just read it and you agree.

Time to go Jerry.  For at least this year.  Trial is scheduled for October- focus should be on the World Series- not your dirtbag son.

traffic incidentApril 17, 1995
Jared Remy gets his first recorded speeding ticket, in Weston, according to RMV records.
traffic incidentJuly 8, 1995
Jared Remy has his first "surchargeable" motor vehicle accident, in Weston, according to RMV records.
traffic incidentAugust 9, 1995
Jared Remy has his second surchargeable motor vehicle accident, in Woburn, according to RMV records.
alleged violence/threat1995-96 school year
Jared Remy leaves the Gifford School, a nurturing environment for children with significant behavioral and learning issues, over what classmates recall as aggression and unruly behavior.
From the 1994-95 Gifford School yearbook:

alleged violence/threatJanuary 25, 1996
Jerry Remy asks Weston police to speak with Jared over his troubling behavior after a breakup. Jared allegedly calls to harass the girl and pushes her at least once, according to a police report. The officer who sits down with the family notes Jared's "disrespectful" attitude toward Jerry and his cavalier dismissal of the prospect of a restraining order or an arrest for violating a restraining order.
alleged violence/threatFebruary 29, 1996
Police come to Weston High after an apparently charged encounter between Jared Remy -- not a student -- and the 15-year-old boy who is dating Remy's ex-girlfriend, Weston police write in a report. Three girls tell police Remy has vowed to return and shoot the other boy, the report says.
alleged violence/threatMarch 3, 1996
Weston police learn Jared Remy is still allegedly calling and scaring his ex-girlfriend and her friends, warning one that he is taking an upcoming trip to Florida that will give him time to prepare for "a war" when he returns, police write. There are no further accounts of "the war," and Remy soon begins dating a new girlfriend, 14-year-old Gifford School student Tiffany Guyette, after returning from Florida that spring.
From the 1996-97 Gifford School yearbook:

Jared Remy, younger brother Jordan, and others are accused in a Weston police report of egging the home of a teenage girl before driving off in Jared's Volvo.
Jared Remy allegedly calls to threaten the Weston mother who reported him to police for egging the day before, continuing "with a stream of profanity until she hung up the phone," according to a Weston police report. Police write that they spoke with Jared's mother, and that "Mrs. Remy said she would speak with Jared and make sure that he does not call [the woman] any more."
traffic incidentJune 21, 1996
Jared Remy gets his second recorded speeding ticket, in Weston, according to RMV records.
traffic incidentJuly 27, 1996
Jared Remy gets his third recorded speeding ticket, in Weston. An accompanying police report shows he struck the car of an elderly man in a Buick Roadmaster at the intersection of Wellesley Street and Meadowbrook Road, though both drivers avoided serious injury.
alleged violence/threatJanuary 18, 1997
Gifford School student John Lloyd is badly beaten at a party in Franklin, and airlifted to UMass Memorial Medical Center with "life threatening injuries," according to a Franklin police report. Investigators believed at the time that Jared Remy was a bystander, but two others at the party -- including Tiffany Guyette -- say today that Remy instigated and participated in the beating out of jealousy because of Lloyd's friendship with Remy's girlfriend, Guyette. They say they did not tell authorities of his alleged involvement at the time for multiple reasons, including fear and wanting to protect his record as a friend.
traffic incidentFebruary 13, 1997
Jared Remy gets his fourth recorded speeding ticket, in Weston, according to RMV records, triggering the first of several temporary license revocations.
alleged violence/threatMay 31, 1997
Two women in Weston tell police Jared Remy made threatening gestures and cursed at them after being asked to slow down and stop tailgating. He admits he swore but insists he was not tailgating or speeding, according to the police report.
Tiffany Guyette gives birth to a son, Jared Remy's first child, at Newton-Wellesley Hospital. She is 16, Jared 19.
Jared Remy begins working as a part-time Massachusetts Turnpike toll taker, at $18.02 an hour, state records show.
alleged violence/threatAugust 6, 1998
Jared Remy allegedly attacks ex-girlfriend Tiffany Guyette in his parents' driveway, choking and hitting her while she holds their baby and then trashing Guyette's car, according to a Weston police report that notes "all of the marks on [Guyette] as well as black smudged finger and hand prints around her neck." Remy will be charged with assault and battery and property destruction.
court eventOctober 21, 1998
In Waltham District Court for a hearing on the charges of assaulting Tiffany Guyette and destroying property, Jared Remy waives his right to a jury trial, admits sufficient facts, and receives a "continuance without a finding" -- a CWOF, or probation without the stain of a guilty finding on his permanent record -- a first of several to come. He is ordered to serve one year of probation while continuing with counseling.
Jared Remy takes out a restraining order against Tiffany Guyette, saying that she and her new boyfriend have been threatening him and that he is worried about the safety of their baby. Guyette today says the restraining order, which would not result in criminal charges, was meritless but was used successfully by the Remys to take temporary guardianship of her son -- their grandson -- in a concurrently filed custody case, which has been sealed.
traffic incidentJanuary 2, 1999
Jared Remy gets his fifth recorded speeding ticket, in Weston. He is also cited for a seat-belt violation and driving without a license/registration in possession, according to RMV records.
traffic incidentJanuary 19, 1999
Jared Remy gets his sixth recorded speeding ticket, in New Hampshire, according to Massachusetts RMV records.
Jared Remy is terminated as a toll taker, according to state records, for reasons a spokesman for the Department of Transportation today says it cannot disclose, as a private personnel matter.
alleged violence/threatOctober 9, 1999
Jared Remy allegedly strikes friend and former classmate Erik Jackiewicz on the head with a beer bottle at Jackiewicz's Norwood apartment, out of apparent rage that Jackiewicz and Tiffany Guyette were hanging out, according to court records and recent interviews with Guyette and Jackiewicz. He will be charged three days later with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.
court eventDecember 8, 1999
At a hearing for Jared Remy in Dedham District Court for the charge of assaulting friend Erik Jackiewicz with a bottle, Judge Robert Ziemian finds "sufficient facts" for a guilty verdict but instead gives Remy a second CWOF, ordering probation for 18 months. Prosecutors unsuccessfully sought a guilty finding for Remy's permanent record, instead of a temporary CWOF, records show.
court eventJanuary 13, 2000
At a hearing in Waltham District Court, Jared Remy is found to be in violation of the terms of his 1998 CWOF for allegedly assaulting Tiffany Guyette, based on his recent plea in Dedham on the charge of assaulting Erik Jackiewicz. His CWOF is extended, with no other new conditions, according to court records.
Girlfriend Lysa Gianacopolis moves out of the apartment she shares with Jared Remy at 4 a.m., according to a Waltham police report. The police were present to prevent a possible "breach of peace," as requested by the ex-boyfriend who helped Gianacopolis move out, according to the report. 
alleged violence/threatMarch 25, 2000
Roommate Andrew Ufland tells police Jared Remy showed up at his work threatening to kill him and blaming Ufland for his latest breakup, according to a Waltham police report. Ufland stops short of pursuing a restraining order but asks police to tell Remy to leave him alone and informs them they can find steroids in Remy's closet, according to the report. At the apartment, Remy denies having drugs, insists that Ufland instead is a drug dealer, and allows police to search his room; when officers open a gym bag in Remy's closet, "several hunting knives" tumble out, along with a baggie containing nine uncapped syringes -- though no drugs, according to the report. Remy -- who reportedly told police he was a steroid user but had given up the drug -- is charged with possessing hypodermic needles without a prescription and without being registered in a needle-exchange program.
alleged violence/threatApril 1, 2000
Jared Remy calls police at 2:02 a.m. to report an unwanted party, his mother, according to a Waltham police report. Police arrive to find him screaming into her silver BMW, with a crowd gathering to watch. When an officer approaches, Remy reportedly elbows him in the stomach and curses at him. He is arrested for disturbing the peace, according to the report.
alleged violence/threatApril 1-3, 2000
Ex-girlfriend Lysa Gianacopolis tells police in Lowell that Jared Remy has been calling her nonstop for three days, saying he loves her and warning that he will "kill her if they don't get back together," according to a Lowell police report. He also has warned her "she had better watch her car," according to the report. Though police write that Gianacopolis is unwilling to go to court, they charge Remy with threatening to kill.
court eventMay 3, 2000
In Waltham District Court, Jared Remy waives his right to trial on two of his new cases at once -- for disturbing the peace and for hypodermic needle possession -- and gets two more CWOFs, his third and fourth, before Judge Gregory Flynn, court records show. At the same time, he is found in violation of probation on his first CWOF (for attacking Tiffany Guyette in 1999), without a guilty finding or jail, though with the new conditions that he must submit to random substance screens and undergo drug and alcohol evaluation and possible counseling.
traffic incidentMay 12, 2000
Jared Remy is cited in Waltham for failing to stay in the right lane, according to RMV records.
court eventMay 16, 2000
Jared Remy appears in Lowell for a scheduled arraignment on the charge of threatening to kill ex-girlfriend Lysa Gianacopolis the month before, court records show. With Gianacopolis apparently reluctant to testify or appear, lawyer Peter Bella successfully moves for the charge to be remanded down to a clerk-magistrate's hearing for consideration. The record indicates the hearing will be scheduled and rescheduled four times but not that it will ever be held, before the charge is officially dismissed five years later.
traffic incidentOctober 8, 2000
Jared Remy receives his seventh recorded speeding ticket, in Waltham, as well as a citation for a seat-belt violation, according to RMV records.
alleged violence/threatJanuary 21, 2001
Apparently upset because she will not let him take their son to a birthday party for a new girlfriend's child, Jared Remy threatens to kill ex-girlfriend Tiffany Guyette, cursing at her and threatening to kill her boyfriend, according to an affidavit she files the next day. Guyette, who had won back custody of her son the previous year, indicates in the affidavit that Remy has acknowledged his parents have broken a court order forbidding him from taking the boy out unsupervised during their grandparent-visitation weekends but insists it is no big deal he took the child to McDonald's. Guyette writes, "He said to me, ‘what do you think I was gonna rape [the boy] in the drive thru!’ Lowell police file a complaint Jan. 23, 2001, charging Remy with threatening to kill.
court eventFebruary 28, 2001
Jared Remy returns to Waltham District Court for a probation violation hearing on the 1998 case for assaulting Tiffany Guyette, court records show. Judge Tobin Harvey finds him in violation but does not vacate the CWOF and find him guilty; instead, he extends it to Aug. 29, 2001, with the added condition -- suggested by Remy's defense lawyer -- that Remy take his prescribed medications and abide by a restraining order.
court eventMarch 13, 2001
Jared Remy returns to Dedham District Court for a probation violation hearing on the 1999 assault case, court records show. Judge Lynda Connolly finds him in violation -- for a failed drug test ("THC," or marijuana) and for the recent restraining order issued after he allegedly threatened to kill Tiffany Guyette -- but agrees to lawyer Peter Bella's request for a "Duquette alternative" sentence; they enter in writing that Remy is allowed to stay out on probation this time with the stipulation the next violation will have clearly defined consequences: 60 days in the House of Correction.
alleged violence/threatApril 8, 2001
Jared Remy admits to striking another man, Thomas Miklicek, over the head with a beer bottle in an after-hours fight at a Waltham tow lot but claims to police it was self-defense, according to a Waltham police report. Remy is arrested and charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.
traffic incidentApril 9, 2001
Jared Remy has his third surchargeable motor vehicle accident, in Waltham, and is cited for "fail to use safety" (meaning failure to take precautions for the safety of other people, animals, or vehicles on the road), according to RMV records.
court eventApril 12, 2001
Back in Dedham District Court on another probation violation before Judge Lynda Connolly, she finds probable cause for a probation violation but agrees to waive the previously proposed 60-day House of Correction sentence to allow Jared Remy to continue with probation and counseling, court records show.
court eventJune 1, 2001
Jared Remy returns to Lowell District Court for the scheduled trial for allegedly threatening to kill Tiffany Guyette. Over the objections of the state, Judge Neil Walker agrees to defense attorney Peter Bella's recommendation that the case be continued and then dismissed in seven months -- without any finding or formal probation -- if Remy remains in counseling and behaves, court records show.
court eventJuly 5, 2001
Judge Gregory Flynn in Waltham dismisses Jared Remy's assault case for allegedly striking Thomas Miklicek with a beer bottle at the Commonwealth's request for what the record shows as "failure to prosecute," suggesting prosecutors backed off because the victim or witnesses stopped cooperating or declined to press the case. On the same day, Flynn also dismisses two other cases against Remy -- his CWOFs for disturbing the peace and possessing hypodermic needles, both from spring of 2000 -- after he has served probation, on the recommendation of the probation department.
court eventAugust 29, 2001
In Waltham, Judge Gregory Flynn dismisses Jared Remy's extended CWOF and nearly three-year-old probation from the 1998 assault on Tiffany Guyette, at the recommendation of the probation department, court records show.
traffic incidentDecember 16, 2001
Jared Remy is cited for a seat-belt violation in Waltham, according to RMV records.
court eventDecember 31, 2001
Jared Remy's extended CWOF and probation on the 1999 case for striking Erik Jackiewicz with a bottle is dismissed in Dedham District Court on the recommendation of the probation department.
Jared Remy's new girlfriend, Ryan McMahon, contacts Weston police to say she is "having a problem with Jared Remy" and wants police to pick up a car seat for her at his parents' house, apparently in fear of seeing him on her own.
court eventJanuary 30, 2002
Back in Lowell District Court for the seven-month check-in that Judge Neil Walker scheduled in Jared Remy's case for allegedly threatening Tiffany Guyette, defense lawyer Peter Bella says "there's been no problems" and asks for the charge to be dismissed. Prosecutor Lea Lucas objects, pointing out Remy's four open CWOFs, according to the transcript. The judge sides with Bella and dismisses the case.
Melissa Gemelli, a friend of Jared Remy's girlfriend Ryan McMahon, discovers that her tires have been slashed and tells police she believes Remy has done it, because of an issue in the relationship, according to a Waltham police report. "Remy does keep a knife in his vehicle at all times ... and has done similar things in the past," she tells police, the report says.
Two days after reporting her tires slashed, Melissa Gemelli reports that the rear window on her car has been smashed with a rock, according to a Waltham police report. She also says that while Jared Remy denied the earlier tire-slashing, his mother, Phoebe Remy, paid her to repair the damage.
traffic incidentMarch 12, 2002
Melissa Gemelli tells Waltham police her tires have been punctured -- the third time her car has been vandalized in barely a week -- and that she believes Jared Remy or one of his friends did it to get back at Gemelli after a break-up between Remy and girlfriend Ryan McMahon, Gemelli's good friend, according to a Waltham police report. Weston police separately report that Gemelli, frustrated that no one has been arrested for the damage, has called the Remy home in Weston and threatened to go public if she does not receive more money for her vandalized car. On the same day, Jared Remy is cited for speeding (his eighth recorded speeding ticket) as well as for a seat-belt violation, for operating without possessing his license or registration, and for "improper equipment" (meaning his brakes, horn, or another safety system was not in working order) in Waltham, according to RMV records.
traffic incidentApril 4, 2002
Jared Remy is cited for a seat-belt violation in Waltham, according to RMV records.
traffic incidentAugust 17, 2002
Motor vehicle records show Jared Remy is cited for failure to stop and for a "surchargeable" accident, his fourth. A Waltham police report shows he ran a red light, struck another vehicle, and caused a rollover accident at Hammond and School streets. He claimed he had a yellow light, but a witness saw it as a red, and the woman whose vehicle he struck -- who escaped injury -- said she still had a green light when Remy hit her car.
Girlfriend Ryan McMahon tells Waltham police that after she decided she did not want to hang out with Jared Remy for the night, he followed her nonetheless to a friend's house on Whitman Road, lurking outside while alternately calling her and beeping the horn.
alleged violence/threatSeptember 18, 2002
Girlfriend Ryan McMahon obtains a restraining order, writing in an affidavit that "Jared Remy stated that he was going to kill me ... and all my friends," cursed at her, and said "that he was going to make my life a living hell and that we would pay." She also tells police he has keyed her friend's car and slashed her tires. Waltham police charge him with threatening to commit a crime.
From the restraining order request:
court eventDecember 4, 2002
The case against Jared Remy for allegedly threatening to kill Ryan McMahon three months earlier is dismissed at the request of McMahon and prosecutors, court records show. An affidavit filed by an assistant district attorney says, "McMahon has told me that she does not wish to testify in this matter because (a) he/she is exercising his/her marital privilege, (b) he/she believes that it is not in his/her/their child’s best interest to testify, etc.," and that the case cannot proceed without her.
alleged violence/threatDecember 19, 2002
Roommate Andrew Ufland obtains a restraining order against Jared Remy, writing in an affidavit that while he was trying to move out four days earlier, Jared Remy "attacked me and my father … and said, 'I'm going to kill you,' " before another roommate intervened. Ufland also requests a police escort to help him pick up the rest of his belongings, because Remy "said he would kill me if I showed up" again, he writes.
From the Waltham police report:
alleged violence/threatMarch 7, 2003
Jared Remy is charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon after allegedly striking Melissa Gemelli -- a close friend of Remy's girlfriend, Ryan McMahon, and someone with whom he has clashed in the past -- in the head with a beer bottle in the early morning hours at the Waltham bar the Skellig. A witness tells police Remy antagonized Gemelli, made fun of her weight, cursed at her, and "whacked her in the head with the beer bottle" as she emerged from the bathroom, according to a Waltham police report. When police went to Remy's apartment to arrest him, "an unidentified male slammed the door on our faces and ran toward the back of the house," so they put out a warrant for his arrest. He is arraigned and released later that morning in Waltham District Court on personal recognizance, court records show.
From the March 7, 2003 police report:
alleged violence/threatJuly 3, 2003
Girlfriend Ryan McMahon tells police that Jared Remy appeared at her workplace, Waltham's Tanning Hut, and began banging on the door of the tanning booth while McMahon was inside tanning during her break earlier in the day, according to a Waltham police report. When Remy began yelling and screaming at her, McMahon tried to walk outside, but he followed her to Moody Street and punched her in the back, she tells police. She also says he has called repeatedly over the past week threatening to "kill her" and damage her car. She declines a restraining order, but police issue a warrant to arrest Remy for assault and battery and threatening to commit a crime.
alleged violence/threatJuly 4, 2003
Arrested on a warrant, booked, and bailed out for allegedly assaulting and threatening girlfriend Ryan McMahon a day earlier, Jared Remy immediately calls McMahon to harass her again, according to a Waltham police report. Court and police records show he paid the bail fee at 3:40 p.m., and that at 4:02 p.m. he reportedly called McMahon on his cell from in front of the police station. He admits to calling and cursing her out but denies threatening to kill her, according to the report. Police add an additional charge of threatening to commit a crime.
From the July 4, 2003 police booking sheet:
court eventJuly 7, 2003
Jared Remy is arraigned at Waltham District Court on the assault and threats charges from the previous Thursday and Friday. Records show the court agreed to release him on $500 bail -- paid by his mother -- on conditions that included moving home to Weston, observing a 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew, seeking employment, and reporting twice a week to probation by phone and once in person.
traffic incidentJuly 29, 2003
Jared Remy has his fifth "surchargeable" car accident, in Watertown, according to state RMV records.
traffic incidentAugust 4, 2003
Jared Remy is cited for speeding in Watertown, his ninth recorded speeding ticket, according to state RMV records.
court eventSeptember 25, 2003
Jared Remy appears in Waltham District Court for a scheduled trial for allegedly striking Melissa Gemelli in March, and for hearings on his two cases for allegedly assaulting and threatening girlfriend Ryan McMahon over multiple days in July, records show. The first case is dismissed for failure to prosecute. The other two cases are advanced for a bench trial (a trial before a judge) after Remy waives his right to jury trial, his customary approach; he is released with revised probation terms that dictate he must still live at home but should now report to probation three times a week in person (instead of twice by phone and once in person) and submit to random screens. At 11:16 a.m. at Linden and Main streets in Waltham -- in other words, in front of the court house after those other hearings -- Remy is stopped by a police officer who decides to run a quick records search after hearing Remy shout into his cellphone at an unusually loud volume, the officer's report says. Remy has a suspended license, so police arrest him on that charge, then check his car before towing it and allegedly find a bottle of BOLD QV200, a Mexican anabolic steroid, and three hypodermic syringes, prompting additional charges.
Though the case against Jared Remy for allegedly striking Melissa Gemelli with a bottle in March had just been dismissed four days earlier, authorities decide to refile the assault and battery with a dangerous weapon complaint after Remy's latest indiscretion, in an attempt to win their first conviction.
court eventOctober 14, 2003
Jared Remy's two cases for allegedly assaulting and threatening girlfriend Ryan McMahon in July are dismissed at the request of prosecutors for "failure to prosecute," suggesting that the victim was reluctant to cooperate, court records show.
court eventJanuary 6, 2004
In Waltham District Court, Jared Remy waives his right to jury trial on two cases, for allegedly striking Melissa Gemelli with a beer bottle and for allegedly operating with a suspended license while possessing steroids and hypodermic needle, court records show.
court eventMarch 17, 2004
Jared Remy pleads on two cases on the same day. For the charges of operating with a suspended license and possessing steroids and needles, Judge Gregory Flynn gives Remy a CWOF on all three charges -- the fifth case in which he has received a CWOF instead of a guilty finding, despite sufficient facts. He is ordered to pay fees, undergo random drug screens, and serve one year of probation. In the other case, for breaking a bottle over the head of Melissa Gemelli a year earlier, prosecutors get their first guilty finding against Remy, for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. But Judge Flynn rejects the prosecutor's request that Remy serve time, instead letting him leave court with a six-month suspended sentence and one year of probation, plus random drug screens, no contact with the victim, and fees. (Prosecutors wanted an 18-month sentence, with six months to serve immediately and 12 months suspended, during a longer probaton term.) Court records show Flynn favored the defense terms in both cases. In the suspended-license case, prosecutors wanted guilty findings for the steroids charge and the needle-possession charge but the judge thought CWOFs would suffice.
traffic incidentJune 30, 2004
RMV records show Jared Remy is cited for a seat-belt violation in Waltham.
alleged violence/threatJuly 24, 2004
Police responding to a report of a fight between Jared Remy and on-again, off-again girlfriend Ryan McMahon find Remy in the street in "an excited state," insisting McMahon is inside "destroying the apartment" and requesting that the police remove her, according to a Waltham police report. Inside, officers find McMahon crying, not destroying the apartment. She tells police that Remy broke up with her, insisted she could only take one thing with her, and proceeded to cut up her clothing and pictures. She also says he slammed her three times in the face with a cordless phone and told her "that he always wins." Remy is arrested and charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. Later, authorities will add a charge of malicious destruction of property over $250.
From the July 24, 2004 police report:
court eventJuly 26, 2004
Jared Remy is arraigned in Waltham District Court for allegedly assaulting girlfriend Ryan McMahon and released on $500 bail, posted by his mother, with several conditions requested by prosecutors, including that Remy refrain from "excessive use" of alcohol and unprescribed drug use, respect an order not to abuse McMahon, check in weekly with a probation officer, and seek employment, according to court records.
alleged violence/threatAugust 2, 2004
Waltham police file the additional criminal complaint against Jared Remy from the fight with Ryan McMahon in late July, charging him with malicious destruction of property over $250.
court eventJanuary 25, 2005
Jared Remy appears in Waltham District Court for a scheduled bench trial before Judge Tobin Harvey on his two cases from the July 2004 fight in which he allegedly assaulted girlfriend Ryan McMahon and cut up her clothing and pictures. Remy agrees to a plea to avoid trial, according to court records. The first case, for assault, is dismissed "without prejudice." For the related property-damage case, he is given six months of probation, with a CWOF instead of a guilty finding, while the charge is downgraded to destruction of property worth less than $250 instead of more than $250, a proposal from defense attorney Peter Bella that prosecutors this time endorse. Now with 15 cases in the system, Remy has tallied six CWOFs, one guilty, and eight outright dismissals. On the same day, Remy is found in violation of the probation he is still serving on two cases from 2003 -- for assaulting Melissa Gemelli and getting caught with steroids and needles while driving with a suspended license -- but the judge allows him to remain out on probation, without changing the terms or entering a new finding in those cases.
traffic incidentFebruary 1, 2005
Jared Remy is cited for speeding in Lee, in the Berkshires. According to state records, he is clocked driving 92 miles per hour on the Massachusetts Turnpike at 8:02 a.m. Photos from the day show he was taking the 2004 World Series trophy to Western Massachusetts for an official appearance in his job as a Red Sox security guard.
court eventMarch 23, 2005
Jared Remy's probation terms for the two 2003 cases -- for striking Melissa Gemelli with a bottle and getting caught with steroids and needles while driving with a suspended license -- are dismissed in Waltham District Court at the recommendation of the probation department, court records show.
court eventJuly 27, 2005
Jared Remy's six-month probation term for cutting up girlfriend Ryan McMahon's clothing and pictures during a fight is dismissed in Waltham District Court at the recommendation of the probation department, court records show.
alleged violence/threatNovember 7, 2005
Responding to another reported fight between Jared Remy and on-again, off-again girlfriend Ryan McMahon, police find McMahon with her nose broken and bleeding, her lip cut and swollen, and her left eye red, swollen, and surrounded by a welt, according to a Waltham police report. McMahon says she returned to the apartment to collect her belongings after a breakup and asked Remy if she would need a police escort this time; he reportedly responded by dragging her down the stairs, pelting her in the stomach with his cellphone, and ripping the house phone out of the wall. McMahon says he also threw her to the floor by her hair and punched her and kicked her repeatedly in the face and stomach even as she tried to scrunch into a ball in the corner of the room, according to the report. The fight ended with McMahon escaping to a neighbor's to call police, and Remy fleeing to his parents' house, where he would be arrested later that afternoon.Weston police wrote that they could see him peering through a window before they searched the home and found him. He was charged with four counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, plus an additional assault-and-battery count, and a charge of intimidating a witness. Police say he told them, "I admit it I slapped her around," and shrugged off the likely consequences as "another year of probation." He posts $3,000 bail, with a promise to appear in court the next morning.
court eventNovember 8, 2005
Arraigned for the six counts from his alleged attack on Ryan McMahon the day before, Jared Remy reportedly approaches her at Waltham District Court, in violation of an emergency restraining order. Walking up to her at a court payphone during a recess, he apparently accuses her of cheating, but she forces him to examine her battered and bruised face, according to a Waltham police report. "Remy put his head down and said it was the Anedrol" -- Anadrol, a steroid -- and "that he was going to miss her and [her] baby and said sorry," according to police, who charged him additionally with violating an abuse-prevention order. Prosecutors request that Remy be held in jail while awaiting trial. Judge Gregory Flynn agrees, ruling that it is necessary for McMahon's safety and noting that she has testified "that she was naive and scared" to speak up against him in past cases, according to court records.
One week after the attack that left her with a broken nose and facial bruising, Ryan McMahon returns to Waltham District Court and asks that the restraining order against Jared Remy be lifted, court records show.
court eventNovember 23, 2005
Jared Remy's defense lawyer, Peter Bella, files a motion requesting that the judge end Remy's pretrial containment and release him from jail so that he can resume living with Ryan McMahon, on the condition that they go to couples counseling and that Remy also pursue anger management. Judge Gregory Flynn rejects the motion; Remy remains in jail.
court eventDecember 6, 2005
Jared Remy’s case for allegedly assaulting Ryan McMahon is transferred from Waltham to Newton District Court, with Remy scheduled for an upcoming jury trial, his first, court records show.
court eventJanuary 26, 2006
In lieu of his scheduled jury trial, Jared Remy agrees to plead guilty after spending 81 days awaiting trial in jail, court records show. Judge Gregory Flynn releases him, ordering him to pay fees, complete the state's 40-week certified batterer intervention program, complete a mental health evaluation and follow-up, and submit to random drug screens, with a suspended sentence during two years of probation. Flynn accepted the terms offered by defense lawyer Peter Bella instead of the more strict disposition sought by prosecutors, who wanted Remy to be sentenced to two years in the Middlesex House of Correction, with one year to serve behind bars, plus the conditions Bella proposed as well as a forfeiture of all weapons and no abuse of McMahon. But both prosecutors and the defense agreed to dismiss the related charge of violating an abuse-prevention order that stemmed from Remy's alleged approach of victim Ryan McMahon in court on the day of his initial arraignment.
Jared Remy obtains a restraining order against on-again, off-again girlfriend Ryan McMahon, saying she showed up at his job at Fenway Park screaming and blasting the horn. He says they ended their volatile relationship nine days earlier and that he has moved back home with his parents.
traffic incidentAugust 14, 2007
Jared Remy is cited in Waltham for failure to keep right on a hill with an obstructed view, according to RMV records.
Jared Remy meets Jennifer Martel, the woman he will later be accused of murdering, at a barbecue she attended with another Red Sox security guard, according to multiple friends.
From Facebook, Martel and Remy:

court eventJanuary 23, 2008
Jared Remy's probation in his 2005 case for assaulting then-girlfriend Ryan McMahon is dismissed in Waltham District Court on the recommendation of the probation department.
traffic incidentMay 7, 2008
Jared Remy is cited in Newton for driving without his license/registration in possession, according to RMV records.
Jennifer Martel gives birth to a girl. It is her first child and Remy's second.
From Facebook: (Phoebe and Jerry Remy with Jared Remy, Jennifer Martel and their daughter.)

traffic incidentApril 28, 2010
Jared Remy is cited for speeding in Billerica, his 11th speeding ticket according to RMV records.
traffic incidentSeptember 9, 2010
Jared Remy is cited for speeding in Boston, his 12th speeding ticket, according to RMV records.
traffic incidentJanuary 31, 2011
Jared Remy is pulled over on Lake Street after a Waltham police officer observes him "flailing his arms and yelling" at a male passenger while Remy is driving his Toyota 4Runner. Records show that his license has been suspended since October for unpaid speeding tickets, so police arrest and handcuff him and charge him with operating with a suspended license, according to a Waltham police report.
traffic incidentMarch 12, 2011
Jared Remy is cited for speeding in Belmont, his 13th speeding ticket, according to RMV records.
court eventJune 23, 2011
Judge Tobin Harvey in Waltham District Court orders a three-month suspended sentence for Jared Remy's charge of operating with a suspended license, to be dismissed after paying $200 in court costs.
court eventSeptember 21, 2011
Jared Remy's case for driving with a suspended license is dismissed at the recommendation of the probation department, in Waltham District Court, according to court records. With 18 cases now concluded, he has a record of two guilty findings, six CWOFs that resulted in dismissals, and 10 outright dismissals.
alleged violence/threatAugust 13, 2013
Upset that Jennifer Martel and their daughter are spending time with friend Kristina Hill next door, Jared Remy calls Martel and yells at her to come home, according to a Waltham police report and an affidavit filed by Martel requesting an emergency restraining order that night. Martel leaves the couple's 4-year-old daughter with Hill and goes home to try to calm Remy, who allegedly grabbed her by the neck and head and slammed her head into a bathroom mirror, according to police and the Martel affidavit. Martel says she pushed away and ran next door to Hill's, but Remy found the spare key, let himself in, and continued to berate her until Martel called 911. Martel also tells police that Remy suffers from depression and that his "aggressive behavior has become worse" over the last two years, according to the police report. She receives an emergency no-abuse order seeking protection from Remy. The police report says Hill believes "Remy has become mentally unstable and she is fearful for Martel's safety." Police arrest Remy on a charge assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, his first charge for alleged violence in nearly eight years.
From the Aug. 13, 2013 affidavit requesting an emergency restraining order:
court eventAugust 14, 2013
At a hearing in Waltham District Court before Judge Tobin Harvey, Jared Remy is briefly arraigned and released on the charge of assaulting Jennifer Martel the previous night, court records show. Prosecutors do not try to hold Remy for trial. Martel is absent -- neighbor Kristina Hill says Martel changed her mind and promised the Remys she would not attend the hearing and seek to extend the restraining order after they took away Jared's apartment key, an allegation the Remys now deny -- and prosecutors will later acknowledge, after an outside review, that they put too much stock in Martel's absence as a sign of her perceived safety.
alleged violence/threatAugust 15, 2013
Police responding to a "report of a family disturbance and loud commotion" at the townhouse shared by Jared Remy and Jennifer Martel are informed along the way by dispatch that a man is "stabbing a female in the chest," according to a Waltham police report. Running up the hill to the apartment with guns drawn, officers find a shirtless, blood-soaked Remy standing near the body of Martel, who is pronounced dead at the scene. According to the report, police had to radio for a wagon because Remy was too large to fit in back of a cruiser. Police say Remy continued to stab Martel despite the screams of neighbor Kristina Hill and an attempt by neighbor Benjamin Ray to pull him off; a police report says Remy "turned and tried to stab Mr. Ray," who jumped out fo the way.
From the Aug. 15, 2013, police report:
court eventAugust 16, 2013
Jared Remy is arraigned again in Waltham District Court before Judge Tobin Harvey, on charges of murder, assault and battery, and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, according to court records. Harvey orders him held without bail.

court eventSeptember 24, 2013
Jared Remy's two cases on charges of allegedly assaulting girlfriend Jennifer Martel and allegedly murdering her on Aug. 15 are later are rolled into one and bumped up to Middlesex Superior Court. A grand jury indicts him on six charges: murder, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, assault with a dangerous weapon, assault and battery (two counts), and violating an abuse prevention order, according to court records.
court eventOctober 8, 2013
Jared Remy is arraigned in Middlesex Superior Court on murder and five other charges, entering pleas of not guilty to all counts. At a hearing 20 days later, his trial date will be scheduled for Oct. 7, 2014.

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