Monday, March 3, 2014

Bye bye 80K

So this is a picture of the chick who bragged about her European vacation that Daddy was getting her because he "won" his lawsuit against his employer and got 80K.
Problem was there was a confidentiality agreement.  Courts don't like when you post on Facebook in violation of agreement.  Especially when he didn't win anything dipshit- it was a settlement.
Bye, bye 80K.
Now......she's young and dumb and I was young and dumb at one time.  And I have no idea what I would have done if Facebook and Twitter where around when I was in college.  So I'm not going to go too hard on her.
But....that's what you get for bragging about Daddy buying you a European vacation.  Haha you suck.
And I know she is getting bashed but how about the Dad in this?  Hey asshole- it's called a confidentiality agreement not brag about it to your daughter agreement.  It'd be one thing if he told his daughter about it and explained that she can't tell anyone.  But you KNOW that's not how it happened.  You know he was bragging at dinner about it.  Well too bad dummy- your daughter has a big mouth and it just cost you.  He just looks like a smug SOB.
His former employer must have laughed his ass off after this ruling came down.

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