Thursday, March 20, 2014

The 10 worst people at the gym.....

Joined a new gym because I needed to be home in the mornings.  Good thing is it's cheaper and open 24 hours a day.  Just a big warehouse- no pool or steam room but what can you do.  But still has some of the worst people.  In no particular order:

1). The posers:

We get it.  You lift bro.  We are at the gym.  You do a ton of roids and don't eat bread.  No need for the flexin.

2). The hoggers:

Put a gun to my head and these people are the worst IMO.  Like this morning- I had a girl tell me she was using both sides of the cable crossovers.  In between running to a machine on the other end of the floor and doing sit-ups on the floor.  Like- we all rent here- one at a time please.

3).  The talkers:

Bunch of huge guys at my gym.  See number 1.  But they sit around and talk, talk, talk, talk and talk around the machines.  How the hell do these guys get so big?  Just annoying because even if I wanted to cut in and ask to do a set- I need to take off all that weight while they sit around pissed off and staring- no thank you.

P.S. Saw a guy bench 585 the other day with a reinforced bar.  That's no joke.

4). The grunters:

Kind of like the hoggers and the posers.  You don't own the place and if you need to scream that loud when you lift than go and see a doctor.

5). No shamers.....

This one isn't really a problem for me anymore since I don't shower at the new place often and there really isn't that much hanging around since no amenities.  But that last place- Jesus Christ- I know it's a locker room but settle down.

6).  The couples....

This one doesn't really bother me much.  If a couple can work out together then good for them.  But there are a few that fall in the hogger/talker category which needs to be stopped.  Also- at my new gym there is a fat guy who is with his wife every morning.  She's super in shape and getting him to do a bunch of stuff and he is MISERABLE.  And I just want to be like dude- things could be a lot, lot worse for you.  Smile a bit.

7). The weird workout guys

If you are doing some weird workout with a friend just to be weird- stop.  Like I saw some guy move two machines together and do like three weird exercises with them.  Just stop.  No points for creativity.

8) Bare feet

Not an issue at the new place but a huge one at my other gym.  Nobody likes the smell of feet.  Keep your shoes on when you workout.

9).  The I don't have time to wipe my machine people

Sweat leaving your body is good.  Leaving the sweat on the machine is very, very bad.

10). The posters:

This actually doesn't bother me much.  Post whatever you want- I don't give a shit.  I post like 50 pictures of my kids a week which I am sure drive people nuts.

But it's fun to poke at these people.  Especially the cultists.  I mean Cross fitters.  Weird slip up there....

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